Drawing the Line

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4:52 PM

May walked into the living room and saw Mettaton leaning against the wall with a cable plugged into his neck. She looked around and saw a black sharpie laying on the coffee table. Feeling bored out of her mind, she smiled mischievously as she picked up the marker and began to work. "I can't wait to see his reaction," she thought, snickering.

4:58 PM

May finished her master plan and pulled out her phone to take a picture. "And post," Almost immediately, that picture gathered over 275 double taps on Aidem. "Over 300 likes already? It's been up for less than 5 seconds!" She switched off her phone, setting it screen face down on the coffee table. Another glance at her masterpiece and she couldn't help but giggle as she hid behind the doorway to the kitchen. Mettaton opened his eyes and removed the cable from his neck, May's little prank going completely unnoticed until he saw his reflection in the mirror. The reflection of a unibrow, bushy mustache, a full-on beard, a black nose, cat whiskers, freckles, a monocle, and bags under his eyes. May burst out laughing. Usually, that sound would make Mettaton smile, but this time, it just filled him up with steam. "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!" her laughter stopped dead cold. When she heard that shout, she knew she was in big trouble. She had to hide, now! Under the couch, she scurried. May lay still, afraid of facing Mettaton's temper again. "Boo!" she tried to scramble out from under the couch, but Mettaton held her hand down. "I'm sorry! It was just a prank!" Before Mettaton could respond, they both heard loud and low bubbling noises. "Of all the times to be hungry, why now?" she thought as she laughed nervously. Mettaton stood up, then crouched back down. "Get out from under there," Afraid of what he would do to her, May obediently crawled out from under the couch. To her surprise, he just walked away, probably to clean off his face. 

5:21 PM

Mettaton walked back into the living room and saw May laying on the couch. She gave him a pleading look. "It's okay, I'll get you something to eat," He walked into the kitchen and came back with a bowl of grapes, a little something for her to munch on while he made dinner. 

6:04 PM

They had both finished their meal and were now laying on the couch together. "This is for drawing all over my face!" Mettaton began vigorously tickling May. He was still mad at her, but he didn't want to punish her too hard. 

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