A Grown Up Talk

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7:14 PM

Mettaton had no clue what happened, the last thing he remembered was laying on the couch with May half asleep in his arms. Now, he was in bed, with May laying on top of him. She seemed to be using him as a pillow. He saw the cable in his neck. Had he forgotten to charge? He was doing so well! He then saw his hand was where it shouldn't have been and moved it. May then opened her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Mettaton asked. "No it's fine," May snuggled up close to him and explained what happened. "I woke up in your lap and saw you ran out of batteries, so I brought you here, plugged you in, and decided to cuddle until you woke up. Now that you're awake," May raised her eyebrows. Mettaton knew what she wanted. "No," he answered firmly as he sat up. "But, I just want babies," May begged. Mettaton stood up "No. You still have a lot of growing to do before you can start even thinking about that!" Without thinking, May responded with "I finished puberty and I'm 2 years away from being a legal adult! How am I possibly not grown up?" Mettaton had no idea where to start. "May... I can be brutally honest and really tell you what I think, or I can cookie cut it... what do you want?" May looked at Mettaton and knew this was going to be a serious conversation. She knew this would be an opportunity to prove to him how much she had grown. May took a deep breath "Give it to me straight, I can handle it." "Okay, first of all, you can't handle the stress of going to high school and dealing with the possibility of being bullied or yelled at by the teachers. How stressful do you think it is to raise a child for the rest of your life? " May looked down, really thought that through and sighed. "Fine, I thought I would be ready for that, but.." she didn't even bother coming up with anything to finish that sentence with. Mettaton took May's hands in one of his and used his other to lift her chin up so she would look him in the eyes. "You asked for brutal honesty, I don't want you to think I'm saying these things to be mean. Just to help you see that sometimes we think we're ready for things when we really aren't." Slowly May started to smile mischievously. "Well...we can still...even without me wanting babies, right?" Mettaton let go of her hands. "May there's still the fact that you're not even 16 yet. Just because you think you're done with puberty doesn't mean that you're emotionally ready for any of that. You're still afraid of thunderstorms!" May backed away from him when he said that last bit, and he instantly felt bad for bringing that up. Mettaton grabbed her hands again before she could go farther away. "I'll make you a deal, you get over you're thunderstorm thing and I'll consider talking about this again." May gave him a little nod. Not what she wanted, but it was better than a no. "Maybe, if I can do that before my 16th birthday, we'll talk sooner, and maybe I can have it for a present!" she thought.

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