The Power of Parties

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February 9th, 6:12 PM

"And now, we wait," May had finished setting everything up and the only thing she had left to do was to wait for guests to arrive. She had no idea whether the other squad members were coming or not, but she was hoping they would. Maybe if she was lucky, Ethan and Ari would come too!

6:17 PM

"Come on! Make these last 3 minutes go by faster!" May was just laying around bored. She couldn't do any of the party stuff until it actually started, and she would be a bad host if the guests saw her on her phone. She heard something outside the window and decided to investigate. As she got closer, she recognized the sound. Outside the window, was a sea of Temmies! She opened the window. "gUyS! tEm PaRtY, 'm0Rr0W!" When May was home alone, she would have her own Temmie party, one of which she had scheduled for tomorrow. She planned to run off to the party house and jam to her favorite songs with the Temmies. They didn't really seem to know how to dance though, they just jumped up and down. May heard a knock on the door and all the Temmies left. She closed the window and opened the front door to see someone she despised. "Why are you here?" The wannabe Barbie put her hands on her hips. "I want you to get out of this house so this party can be hosted by someone hot!" "If that's the case, Bella, then it sounds like I should stay and you should leave. I don't want my guests thinking this party was hosted by a b***h!" May closed the door and looked out the window to see if she left. She opened the door again to make one more comment. "And by the way, I bet you wear all that fake tan 'cause you got roasted trying to get a real one!" That did the trick.

6:21 PM

"Ethan, Ari! You made it! And congratulations, you are the first 2 guests to arrive!" May was lucky after all. "Thirsty? Sodas are back there," May pointed to the counter in the back of the room. "Snacks are over there too!" May called after the two, Ari was making a beeline for the chips with Ethan following after her. The doorbell rang again and this time it was the whole softball team! "Hey, guys! I'm so happy you're here! I wasn't sure you'd be able to make it." May said as she hugged each girl as they entered. "We wouldn't miss it silly!" Vian said giving May a hug.

7:14 PM

There has been a constant stream of people since the party has started. May was shocked by the number of people who were here! She never in her wildest dreams thought all these people would care enough. For the last half hour, May would flutter over to the game, or snack areas to make sure no one was bored, but everyone looked like they were having a blast and kept thanking May for having them over! The squad was a blast to hang out with and when people were bored with the games, someone was up for entertaining. "Are you done worrying about everything? I want to hang out with you!" May spun around to see Mettaton smirking at her as he leaned against the wall. "I have to make sure everything is going ok!" She tried to run away but Mettaton grabbed her hand. "May, look around," May did so and saw a sea of smiling faces having fun. "All these people are here for you, not so you can run around all stressed out, but to hang out and have fun!" May looked at Mettaton and began relaxing a little. "I guess it wouldn't hurt if I played a few games." Mettaton scooped her up in excitement. "That's the spirit!"

8:48 PM

Mettaton was leaning on the wall in a far corner watching May playing a game with Ari, Ethan, Vian and some other friends from school. April stood next to him, also looking at her sister. "I haven't seen May this happy in a while." Mettaton looked down to see April smiling softly. "This was a great idea...I guess you're not just a toaster with a bowtie." Mettaton knew that was going to be the closest thing to a compliment he was going to get out of April. "Thanks..." he said dryly. They jumped up and high fived.

8:56 PM

April and Mettaton had been enjoying the party, but still kept eyes on May. She hasn't gotten back in host mode, but she looked happy being the hostess. Mettaton had just realized he couldn't remember the last time he saw May eat. Mettaton grabbed a bowl of some chocolate berries and held them out to May, who automatically waved them away, but then they both heard a loud rumble come from her stomach. Not wanting to do such a tedious task, May turned around and began jumping on the couch as one of her favorite songs played.

8:58 PM

"Welcome to my house, play that music too loud," she mouthed along as she turned up the volume to the music. "Hey wait," "That's our move," the twins pointed out as May rocked back and forth while bouncing. "I promise I won't use it on stage," May called back over the loud music. Mettaton was getting a little concerned. May was wearing her usual 7-inch clunky knee-high leather boots, bouncing on the couch, and she seemed to be getting exhausted. That was a recipe for disaster. Just as he thought, May lost her balance and fell right into Mettaton's arms. "Hi," she gave him a kiss on the cheek and blew a large bubble with her gum. He hated that May was always chewing gum for a number of reasons. He even wrote a list! 1. Gum hinders stage performance, 2. he suspected that was one of the reasons she didn't like food, 3. given how energetic she normally is, it was a safety hazard, 4. while practicing, gum throws off the rhythm, 5. when he was trying to have a serious conversation with her, it was a distraction and...guess the list was shorter than he thought it was. Nonetheless, he was still going to rid May of her gum. He set her down and held out his hand. "Give me the gum," May rolled her eyes and spit it into his hand. She then walked off as Mettaton threw it in the trash. She didn't really mind this though, because there was one factor she couldn't deny no matter how badly she wanted to: she was starving. She hadn't eaten anything since this morning. She had a small breakfast, then left, spending the rest of the day setting up the party.

8:59 PM

May grabbed a plate and dished up some chips, which to her surprise, disappeared in a matter of seconds. "Huh," she dished up some more, that vanished almost as fast as the first helping. Before grabbing more, she realized what was happening. "No! I refuse to turn into April," As she walked away from the snacks, her stomach began to hurt. "Too late," she thought before releasing a tiny burp. That felt a little better. Mettaton saw that binge episode and shook his head. She let herself get so hungry that when she finally ate, she overstuffed herself. Well, at least she ate. At least she had something in her belly.

February 10th 3:27 AM

The party was still on, some of the guests had left due to how late it was, but most of them were still here. May had exhausted herself and fell asleep on the couch. "Looks like our hostess had some zs to catch," Ethan had noticed. Mettaton walked up to the sleeping angel and bundled her up in a blanket. She lifted her hand up to his face. "Thank you honey," sleep talk. "Sweet dreams, darling," Mettaton then turned to Ethan. "We should have a double date at some point," "Definitely," Ethan replied before turning to Ari, who had also dozed off.

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