Dumb, Dumb, Dumb!

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7:03 PM

May had woken up from her hibernation to find herself bundled in a blanket. He did still love her! May quickly looked around her and spotted Mettaton. Jumping up from the couch she ran up to him, giving him a hug. "I'm so glad you aren't mad at me anymore! We shouldn't let April come between us, I mean f**k her." May explained in a rush to Mettaton, but something was still very wrong. He wouldn't hug her back. Why not? Did he really not love her anymore? Mettaton shook May off. May could feel her heart break. Tears filled her eyes as she ran up to her room and climbed into bed, sobbing into a pillow. May could hear the sound of a car starting up and driving off from her room. May slowly made her way to the window and looked to see Mettaton's parking spot was empty. She turned with a "hmph" and returned to her bed. She just wanted cuddles, but then April came in and ruined that for no reason, then she was forced to leave and now suddenly Mettaton hated her. May stormed downstairs looking for one person. Looking left and right she couldn't find her anywhere! That's when May spotted Papyrus in the kitchen washing the dishes from dinner. "Where is April?" May fumed. Papyrus gave a nervous glance to the window. "You better answer me right..." May began to yell but Papyrus was already jumping out the window and making his way down the street. "Come back here!" May yelled out the now broken window. "I'll find her one way or another." May thought as she made her way to the next part of the house to find another squad member.

7:09 PM

May had found April out in her garden. She took a moment to think about what she would do. She didn't want to hurt the plants, because May preferred to respect the inanimate objects around her (except for chairs), but she definitely wanted to hurt April for just randomly intervening and attempting to forbid her to cuddle with her love. What the hell was wrong with cuddling? She deserved being slapped this morning, but what was she going to do to her now? Wait, she was overthinking this! She could just go up to her and fire a verbal onslaught! May was storming up to April, her back was facing May and she was watering her plants. "Hmm... it took you longer than I thought for you to find me." April said nonchalantly stopping May in her tracks. "How did you know I was here?!" April was still watering her plants seemingly unphased by the furious May behind her. "Well Paps jumping out the window was a clue, but really your stomping was quite loud." April finally turned off the hose and faced May, putting her hands on her hips and giving May a "Now what?" look. "Well if you think my stomping was loud, wait until you hear how loud I can get you stupid b--" She as cut off by April rolling her eyes. "Oh, so you just want to do this again?!" May took a few steps towards April but was shocked when April stepped forward too, not backing down. "April, Mettaton isn't talking to me and its all your fault! You attacking him has scared him off!" April burst out laughing. May barely held it together while she waited for April to stop laughing. "Oh my god... You need to grow up. You think me telling him to leave is why he's giving you the silent treatment?! Why don't you think about what you did for once! Don't you think stealing his car would piss him off? Or maybe driving it all the way to Santa Cruz. Or, do all of this without answering your phone. He had to use the tracker on his keys and Paps had to give him a ride. The whole time he was so worried about you, thinking you got into another accident and he finds you eating ice cream!" May was stunned silent. She didn't even react when April pushed past her muttering "Grow up May."

7:12 PM

May screamed and flopped face down, banging her head against the long green grass. "WHY, AM, I, SO, F*****G, STUPID?!?!" she sobbed. "F**k getting Mettaton back! He probably has literally anything else better to do with his time than take care of a dumbass like me!" she had no idea what she was going to do with herself. There was no place in the universe where people with microscopic brains were appreciated. "If I could just be smart, today would've never happened and I could be cuddling with my love right now, but no! I had to go and f**k that up! The one good thing I had in my life, and I just had to lose it!" she kept crying. "I wish that the ship had enough fuel to make the trip so they could've just thrown me into the cold and I would be dead and everyone would be happy!" She felt a hand on her back. There was no way that could be Mettaton, so who was it? May lifted her head and saw Cleo. "You got a time machine I could borrow?" she asked as she sat up. "Sorry, no," May planted her forehead on Cleo's shoulder. "If I had just been smart, I would've walked around downstairs until Mettaton was over what happened this morning and we could've kept cuddling, but instead, I got in his car. If I had been smart when I was in his car, I would've gotten out and walked back upstairs to resume our cuddling, but instead, I started the car and drove away. If I was smart when I was driving away, I would've turned around and reentered the condo to cuddle with Mettaton, but instead, I went all the way to Santa Cruz. If I had been smart while I was in Santa Cruz, I would've driven back here to you guessed it, cuddle, but instead, I go to get ice cream! I've done every single dumb thing possible today!" Cleo stifled a laugh. "I can name one dumb thing you haven't done," "Really? I'm pretty sure I did all of those," "Well if you were dumb, you would've pulled out your phone while you were driving and crashed, but instead, you kept your eyes on the road," May sighed. "I wish I had crashed. Sure I would've been in a coma, but at least Mettaton would still love me," "Aw, come on. He might be mad at you, but he still loves you. Even if you don't apologize he's gonna get tired to giving you the silent treatment eventually," May perked her head up. "You're right! I'm going over there and I'm talking to him!" She stood up and began running. "Thanks Cleo!" She called out.

7:24 PM

May made her way out the door and began her walk. Mettaton would be in one of two places, his house with Napstoblook or at the hotel. May made her way to his house first since it was closer. May walked up to the door hesitating for a second before she knocked. "What was I going to say?" May thought, but before she could decide, someone opened the door. "Oh hi May..." Napstablook said. "Can I come in?" May asked. Napstablook shook his head. "I'm not sure that's a good idea." Napstablook said sadly as he tried to close the door. "Hey, Blooky, who's at the door?" Mettaton gasped and put his hand over his mouth when he saw May. "Told you it wasn't a good idea" Napstablook shrugged as he floated away from the door leaving May and Mettaton by themselves. May instantly latched onto him. "I'm sorry," she told him quietly. "I was being a dumbass all day," she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for driving your car to Santa Cruz," Mettaton pet her head. "And?" What was he doing? "Sorry for not answering my phone," Mettaton raised an eyebrow, clearly pushing May to continue. "Sorry for causing you such a worry," He gave her a look that told her to proceed. What more could he want from her? "I'm pretty sure I got it all." Mettaton let out a sigh. "You know there is one more thing. If you aren't willing to say it maybe I should just..." Mettaton told May as he began to back away from her until she blurted out the last thing. "I'm sorry for blaming April for all the things that I did to upset you," She began breathing heavily. Did those words really just spill out of her mouth? Eh, who cares? Mettaton loved her again. She smiled as the two got in the car and drove back to the condo.

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