Perfection Paranoia

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November 26th, 2:39 AM

May was up all night in the basement rehearsing for her next performance. She was struggling with this one move. She lifted her leg up, then threw it back down, crossing her other leg. "Dammit! It's the back, not the front!" Every time she tried that move, she either, lost her balance, mistimed it, or put her leg back down in the wrong spot.

2:46 AM

May tried again and again, but after every attempt, she just got more and more frustrated. "Why can't I just get this damn thing, or any damn thing right?" Tears began to fall as she lay face down on the floor. "I hate stage life! The nerves, the number of people watching, the fear of doing something wrong, the endless practice, I can't take it!" May then felt an arm around her waist. She didn't even look up, yet she still knew who it was. "I wish I was programmed to be flawless, like you!" She was then pulled into a hug. "Don't be ridiculous darling, everyone has flaws, even me," "Really? The only quote on quote "flaw" you have is bragging about how flawless you are, Mr. Perfect!" She buried her face in his chest. "Mr. Perfect, huh? Not really. People say I'm self-centered, and I still feel bad for the way I used to treat Alphys, which I don't believe I have made up for at all," Mettaton wiped away her tears and stood up. "Come on. Let's try again," May stood up and attempted that move once again, but forgot to cross. Mettaton knew what she was trying to do. "Don't be afraid of mistakes. Dancing doesn't have to be perfect. It's meant to be fun," This had no effect on May. "Yeah. People always say that, but if I go up there and do anything wrong, they're gonna throw popcorn and rotten tomatoes at me!" "That's not gonna happen!" Mettaton stopped to think for a moment. 

2:48 AM

"If this doesn't work, I don't know what will," Mettaton thought as he lay on one of the steps leading to the basement, making sure May couldn't see him, but he could see her. Now to set his plan into action. May was still upset about not landing that move when she heard a bark. She turned and saw Squishy paying a little visit. "Aw, did you come to watch me?" Now Squishy was all excited. "Sorry boy. I can't show you something I haven't perfected yet," Squishy's head and tail drooped with a whimper. Now May felt awful. "Well, I guess I can show you something I do when I'm home alone. It's very sloppy, but I know you'll like it anyway," she began chewing a piece of gum, pulled up a track on her phone, and hit play. Mettaton watched in awe as she danced more beautifully than he had ever seen. He couldn't help but applaud when she finished. When she saw him, she felt as blue as her eyes. "Aw, May darling, don't cry. That was magnificent," Mettaton tried to wrap his arm around her shoulder, but May shooed it away and ran off. "I'm definitely gonna regret that for the rest of my life," Mettaton thought as he followed her upstairs and into the living room. He could hear her quiet cries coming from the inside of the piano. "May darling?" "I never let you see that stuff for a reason. Someone who dances like that belongs inside the piano of shame!" "Piano of shame? Nonsense! That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! You don't belong in there, you belong on the stage!" Mettaton opened the piano, carried May up to her room, and set her down in her bed. "We'll work on your performance later. Right now, you need your rest. I can tell you've been practicing all night," he tucked her in. "Goodnight, sugar packet," As May dozed off, he kissed her forehead then plugged himself in to charge. That was a long night for both of them.

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