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6:01 PM

Mettaton had just finished making dinner. Now, to get May into the kitchen. He stood in the doorway and motioned for May to come over in an encouraging way. "No," May turned her head away. "I'm not hungry," that was a lie. Her stomach was growling so loud, Mettaton could hear it from the doorway. Well, if she wouldn't come to dinner, he would just have to bring dinner to her. He walked over to the couch with a plate of a few of her favorites. A mini-glamburger, a few fries, and some red grapes.

6:03 PM

"Come on. They're delicious," May turned to face the back of the couch. "Food is for weaklings," Mettaton set the food down on the coffee table and rolled May onto her other side to face him. "May darling, that's not true! We've been over this!" "I know," May curled herself up. "Well if you don't want it," Mettaton grabbed the plate and began to carry it back into the kitchen. May got onto her knees and leaned over in a dog-like stance. She reached out her hand and begged in a puppy fashion. "Oh, so you do want it. In that case," Mettaton set the plate back down on the coffee table. "Dinner is served," he watched as May picked up a fry and kept moving it up and down indecisively before finally taking a bite. Nom! Nom, nom! Nom! Her plate was empty. Mettaton joined her on the couch. "Good girl," May gently pushed her plate towards him with the back of her hand. "You want more?" That was a first. May nodded.

6:07 PM

Mettaton returned with a plate of fries and red grapes. He couldn't believe it. May, of all people, May, asking for more food. Just a few minutes ago, she was refusing to eat! Mettaton was so proud of May, but he knew if he made a big deal out of this, May would get embarrassed and it would be back to square one. Mettaton had to be very sneaky about this. "May darling, you look so cute eating grapes. I get so happy when you eat the food, especially when I work so hard to make it." May stifled a laugh, her cheeks turning a little red. "Well, if it makes you happy," May snuggled up close to him and pulled out her sketchbook. Mettaton watched in amazement as the beautiful sketch filled up with color. This little masterpiece, was both of them each wrapping one arm around a little girl's shoulders, while holding an animal in the other. In May's arm was a grey chihuahua with long fur. In Mettaton's arm was a cream colored cat. "You have done it again. One day, they'll build a museum dedicated to your art, but no matter how magnificent it may be, there is still one thing, just one thing that'll always be more beautiful, and she's sitting right next to me," May knew exactly who he was talking about and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. She then picked up a fry. Nom, nom! Everything on her plate was gone. She then let out the most adorable little burp. "That little belly full?" Mettaton asked as he wrapped his arms around her chest, lay down, and pat her stomach. May replied with a little nod. Mettaton hoped that after this, May would see that she was always happier after she ate food.

11:46 PM

"But I can't sleep," May protested as she was being carried to bed. "I'll cuddle with you 'til you do," Mettaton set her down on his California King size bed. "So does that mean," May gasped in delight as she stood up, and began to take off her shirt. "Absolutely not. You're still too young, way too young," "Damnit," May slipped her arms back through her sleeves. They looked like they weren't part of the crop top she was wearing, but they were. She climbed into bed in disappointment. "Aw come on, we can still cuddle, just not, that," May sighed and instantly latched onto him. They snuggled for a bit, but May was still wide awake. A small dose of heat magic and her eyelids were starting to get heavy. She lay her head on Mettaton's shoulders as she slowly drifted into the dream world. He got up to see May rustling around under the blankets, unable to get comfortable. Another dose of heat magic, and she settled down.

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