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December 31st, 5:47 PM

The judge had been nice enough to have April released on New Year's Eve instead of on New Years Day. Since Papyrus picked her up, Undyne made the spaghetti for tonight's dinner, and thank god it wasn't in her old, incredibly dangerous way. April entered the kitchen seeing the twins, and Maddie. Cleo wasn't here, which was expected, but where was May? "Oh, right. I keep forgetting May doesn't live with us anymore," April noted. "Speaking of May," "We have something to tell you," the twins began. "Is it that she hates me? I already knew," April grabbed a large bowl of spaghetti and sat down at the table. "No, you see," "May performed Telephone and," the twins told her the whole story.

5:51 PM

"He called her a what?! The next time I see him, I'll kill him!" April yelled. "Wait, no!" "He saved her," the twins explained the rest of the story. Out of nowhere, April felt something hard between her teeth. She opened her mouth to see what it was, but before she could grab it, the mystery object fell down her throat, causing her to hack and cough. Undyne looked down at her hand and saw something was missing! She then saw April coughing. "You! You swallowed my ring!" April knew she was in trouble. A spear materialized out of thin air. "It was an accident, I swear!" she tried to explain. Undyne grabbed the spear she summoned and pointed it at April. "Wait!" Maddie called out. "I can fix this! I'll be right back!" She ran over to the counter and pulled a roll of saran wrap out of a drawer. She rushed back over and began wrapping it around the table. "This could get a bit messy," she, rather quickly, finished and stood behind April, pumping her stomach. "It's, not, totally, lost," she explained. April gagged, she felt sick. Maddie's plan was working. She took a step back, allowing April to lean over. A series of coughs and she was upright again with a quiet moan. "You're so tiny but really strong," her voice was strained. It was almost as if April had been crushed by one of those hundred pound weights you'd find at the gym. Maddie then examined the partially digested contents on the table and saw something shiny. She grabbed it with 2 of her claws and brought it over to the counter, where she grabbed a paper towel and rubbed it off. She looked at the beautiful silver diamond ring, admiring it for a bit before remembering she had one of her own. "There! It never happened," she handed the ring back to Undyne. "Well this was a very, interesting way to end 2018. Well, I'm goin' out for a run, I'll be back before midnight!" Maddie dashed out of the kitchen.

5:57 PM

"They can't follow me underground, Mt. Ebbott is perfect!" Maddie thought as she ran through the Ruins. She could feel her heart pounding, she felt good knowing she was challenging herself, because it meant she was getting better. She reached Snowdin, hardly feeling cold at all due to already running for quite a while. When she arrived in Waterfall, she slowed down just a little to enjoy the scenery. The shining stones above her, the surrounding echo flowers, the serene lighting, the light "rain" falling through the soil above, it was all so pretty. So pretty in fact, she didn't realize she was walking now. The perfect place for Undyne to catch up with her. Maddie turned around and saw her. She began running again. If she could make it to Hotland, she would be safe, since Undyne couldn't follow her there. She managed to reach the reverse hell, but she was still being chased! She felt a tug and turned around. "What did we say about running at night?" Maddie rolled her eyes. "Too dark and too dangerous. I know, I know, but our workout sessions aren't even that challenging," "Really, then I suppose you can explain why you almost fainted during the one we had this morning," Maddie gulped. "Well............"

7:26 AM

"Damnit! I watched one too many movies!" Maddie had spent at least an hour trying to feed her daughters, then decided to watch a movie, naturally, after she finished The Hunger Games, she was drawn into The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Afterwards, she rushed to get ready, then as she was about to start making herself breakfast, she saw a little red light on the counter. She got so caught up in chasing it around, she lost track of time. She realized this and ran as fast as she could to Undyne's house.

6:02 PM

"So you skipped breakfast, and ran over to my place, despite already being worn down," Undyne shook her head.

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