Dress Stress

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February 11th, 3:28 PM

"And...done!" May added the finishing touches onto the dress. "Try this on," she handed it to Maddie. It was a one strap lavender dress with flowers of the same color sewn onto it, hiding in them, were a bunch of kitties! She had named this masterpiece the Meow Garden. Now, which dress should she keep working on? She had asked the squad members for what they were looking for in a dress. Maddie had asked for something that showed her energetic personality, something she could look beautiful in, and still be able to move around freely. That was what she got. May looked for the one she made the most progress on, that one was for April. She had asked for something that showed that she was mischievous and loved to play games but still looked elegant. For this, May was working on a strapless dress that would have black and white overlapping spades when it was finished. The squad didn't know what the other members requested, only May knew since she was making them, and no one knew what she was going to wear, but she planned to make her dress the most beautiful one.

3:41 PM

"Where is that last-oh here it is, and...done," She took the dress off the mannequin and texted April that her dress was ready for pickup at the stairs leading down to the basement. Once she was sure April received the finished product, she once again looked for the one with the most progression, that one was Cleo's. She asked for something simple, something that could be casual, formal AND fancy. For that, May had been working on a short sleeved cyan frilly dress with a little bit of glitter. May giggled a bit. Mettaton was obsessed with glitter! May, however, was not much of a fan because, it got everywhere, including in her eyes once, but she used some on occasion to make some of her designs look extra pretty.

4:09 PM

May had finished and given Cleo her dress and was now working on the twins' outfits. Their request was a little hard. They asked for something REAL sexy but still appropriate for the Valentines Day Dance. For that, May was working on sparkly coral frilly crop tops with matching skirts. "Almost...done!" As May brought the dresses up to the twins, she felt a bit dizzy. "Must be because I've been standing on a chair spinning around mannequins all afternoon." She assumed. "But I have to keep working until they're all done," She disappeared into the basement once more.

4:36 PM

May had finished Ellie's outfit, a black crop top with a matching skirt, each with a bit of sparkle and gold spikes. She asked for punk, and that's what she got! "Now I can start working on my own," She turned to the mannequin with the beginnings of her dress. "May," a voice called out, causing her to fall off the chair. She got up and turned to see Mettaton at the bottom of the stairs. "Why don't you take a little break? You look like you could really use one," she looked exhausted and he could tell she felt lightheaded. "Never! I have one more dress to make and I need all the time I can get to work on it!" The world spun as she turned around and began walking to her workstation. She placed her hand on the arm of the chair, ready to mount it.

4:37 PM

May found herself in the living room, but why was it so blurry? Everything was slowly fading to black. "May! Stay with me," She heard a familiar voice as her head was being held up. Everything slowly cleared up and she found herself on the couch. "...What...happened?" Why wasn't she in the basement working? "Hey," Mettaton was kneeling down in front of the couch, holding a glass of water. "You collapsed from exhaustion. Here, drink this," he handed her the glass and she took a sip. "Thank you, but I should be working," May tried to get up, but before she could step away from the couch, Mettaton picked her up and lay her back down. "No, you need your rest. I don't want you working yourself to death," he held out a bowl of strawberries. Having not eaten much that day, and feeling a bit hungry, May picked one up and took a bite. After finishing the bowl, she stood up and began walking down into the basement. "Call me up when dinner's ready,"

6:02 PM

May walked into the kitchen to see Paps had made breakfast for dinner. She dished up some hash browns, bacon and scrambled eggs, before disappearing back down into the basement. She set the plate down on a nearby desk so she could grab a few bites while she was working. As a bonus, there was a microwave down here! Cleo had set things up so she hardly had to leave the basement since she practically lived in it, but she wasn't normally home due to school and going to Grillby's with Sans. So May had the whole basement to herself! "Mettaton's going to think I look so beautiful in this!" May was still trying to figure out what she should do for this dress, but she knew one thing for sure, with it, there would be wings!

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora