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March 3rd, 12:14 PM

May walked into the kitchen to see April, who just got her arm freed 2 days ago. "Guess who just got their license!" April gave her a half smile. "Congratulations," Making sure April couldn't see, May pulled a container of curry powder out of her bag and a shaker of cinnamon out of the cabinet. Carefully, she peeled off and switched the labels of the 2 powders. "Perfect payback for slipping an alarm trigger in my bag," she thought as she put them both in the cabinet. She knew April was planning to have peach slices and that she loved to put cinnamon on them.

12:18 PM

April sprinkled a little bit of what she thought was cinnamon on a peach slice and took a bite. All of a sudden, the inside of her mouth felt like it was on fire, and she was coughing. She knew exactly who was behind this. "May!" Red spots appeared on her skin. "May! You knew I'm severely allergic to curry! If this was supposed to be revenge, I hope you're satisfied!" May just realized what she did! She had completely forgotten! Well, she had one more skill that would come of good use right now! She grabbed her bag and keys and began running. Mettaton saw her dash through the living room and out the front door. By the time he got onto the front porch, there was only one car in the driveway.

12:21 PM

May didn't really know where she was going, she was just out on the road, driving aimlessly, but she definitely wasn't going home anytime soon. "oh, oops," she just realized she was speeding and slowed down. She flipped on the radio. "Ugh, audio commercials," After a few station changes, a song she really liked played. "Saw him dancin' there by the record machine," "When this song ends, I'll find somewhere I can pull--oh my god!" Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a silver cooper motionless in the middle of the highway. She immediately slammed on the brake, one second too late. The impact made the world spin and the airbag blocked most of her vision but also shielded her from the glass fragments. She could hear faint voices as everything turned black.

12:26 PM

"Pull over!" Out of both concern and stupidity, Mettaton got out of the red Mustang and ran up to the now blocked off highway. There, 2 damaged cars were being towed away, one of which was his, and paramedics were driving away. He ran back to the Mustang and buckled up. "Hospital, now!" Papyrus hit the gas and made a u-turn.

12:32 PM

Mettaton was let into the room. He had been told that May would be fine, that she didn't suffer much damage, that she would make it, but seeing her lying unconscious in a hospital bed, it was upsetting. He stood next to the bed the same way he did when she was sick, the same way he did when he fed her, the same way he did when she was sleep talking, the same way he did when she woke up from surgery. "My angel, my darling, my love..." he trailed off. When and if May woke up, he wanted his face to be the first she sees. Even if it took days, he would not leave this room unless May left with him.

9:43 PM

It had been hours, and Mettaton's battery was running low, but he still stood next to the bed. He would rather be shut down than leave the room and risk not being there when May woke up. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard footsteps. He turned and saw the doctor. "She'll be okay. We'll take care of her. You should take a break, get some coffee or something." Mettaton whirled around, "I will never leave her side! She's the light of my life! To turn my back on what could possibly be her final moments?! Are you f*****g insane?!?!" The doctor was all too familiar with how dramatic the squad could be. During Mettaton's little speech the doctor just went about checking Mays vitals, when it was over the doctor replied dryly "Suit yourself," and the doctor left the room rolling his eyes.

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