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3:46 PM

May and Mettaton had been discussing things she could do to make up for yesterday, but it was so hard for May to think when she had both a concussion and an empty stomach. This probably wasn't a smart move, but maybe there was something in the cabinets. She was about to grab a box. "May, no!" Mettaton walked over and slammed the cabinets shut. "That food is years old, you don't want to eat it," before May could respond, a loud growl filled the room. Knowing that she would spend the rest of her life with that, May walked to her old bedroom hanging her head in shame. The universe had seen a poor unloved child, and when it saw that she was being sacrificed, it saved her by forcing the ship crew to stop on Earth, where it then gave her everything she could've ever wanted, and how did she thank it? By hurting a precious cinnamon roll and attempting murder on her sibling. After that, things turned around. "You know what? If I'm just a person who makes the world worse, then I'm just gonna sleep and never wake up!"

4:12 PM

May found herself in her old bedroom in the cottage where Don once lived. She looked around and saw Mettaton standing in the corner. "You can still fix things, you just have to figure out how to put them back together," May smiled, gathering ideas. A letter would be perfect! And Papyrus loved to cook, she could make him a chef hat, with spaghetti stickers, because he was obsessed with making spaghetti. She had to be let back into the squad after that!

4:58 PM

May had everything set up and began walking out the door. "Uh, May," She stopped and turned around. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Mettaton pulled out his keys.

5:03 PM

May walked up to the door and reached out her hand to knock. She froze, creating the worst case scenarios in her head. Panicked, she turned around and walked back to Mettaton's car. "What are you doing? You got this," Mettaton turned May towards the front door and began walking. "I can't do it! They'll just turn me away!" "Well, that's a risk you have to take," May didn't like the sound of that. "Well, what am I gonna say when one of them opens the door? You'll help me out right?" May had no clue why she hoped he would say yes. "Oh no, you're on your own for this one," Mettaton rang the doorbell and walked back to his car. Before the door opened, May shot him an "I hate you" look. Answering the door, was the squad member May had least expected. Cleo greeted her with a very casual yet slightly annoyed "Hello May," in the background, there was a vacuum noise, which May could tell was making Cleo mad. "I wanted to apologize to Papyrus, to all of you," Cleo walked out and closed the front door. "Hey, I understand why you tried to kill April. I mean, I would definitely kill someone if they threw Maddie down the stairs, but what you did with Papyrus, that's just," Cleo was trying so hard to say something other than unforgivable. "I was never in on what we did to you. I wanted to move and let you into our circle, but I didn't get the chance. Also, April insisted that we just kept the door locked until you left, but I packed up your stuff and put it out here so you could have it," May handed the hat and letter to Cleo. "Can you give these to Paps? Make sure he knows I'm sorry? And if there's anything I can do to be a member of the squad again, name it!" Cleo took a moment to think. "Okay, 1. If you can get Paps to forgive you, I'll make sure the other squad members do, 2. since we've started school, we've been having trouble remembering to do our monthly grocery shopping, find a way we can fix that, and 3. Every time you use a swear, a dollar goes in a jar, mild curses are okay, this rule applies to all squad members, not just you," "Deal,"

5:09 PM

Papyrus read the letter, it seemed to almost change his mind, but he didn't officially forgive May until she showed him the hat. She excitedly walked out the front door and began unloading her stuff from Mettaton's car. Once she was done unpacking she began brainstorming a new grocery shopping system for the squad. She also figured she should withdraw all of her paychecks from her working days, or else she'd be broke by the end of the week.

5:37 PM

May had enough of her rumbling stomach and walked down into the kitchen. The smell of bacon, the sound of sizzling, the sight of pancakes flipping, it made her mouth water. Normally, she was a patient young lady, but seeing all that goodness, May just yearned to put it all where it belonged: in her belly. Well, not all of it, it was for the other squad members too, but it would all get eaten, some of which by her, and man, did she look forward to that.

5:54 PM

The other squad members had come down and were all silently waiting for dinner. "Someone please start a conversation, I'm sick of waiting," May thought to herself. "So May, have you come up with a solution for our grocery shopping problem?" Cleo asked. "Yes, I'll tell you what it is after dinner. Also, what are we gonna do with the money that ends up in the swear jar?" "We're gonna help pay off Sans' tab," There was a flood of disagreements. "Just kidding, what we get in that jar, we'll multiply by 10 and that will be our grocery shopping budget," "But what if there's only one dollar in the jar? You can't go grocery shopping with $10," Maddie jumped in. "Well you can, you just wouldn't be able to buy very much," April replied. "Any volunteers to go to Nob Hill with $10 and buy as many items as they can with it?" May asked. "We'll do it," "After softball practice," The twins offered. "Okay, but someone has to watch them, make sure they only spend $10 or less," "I volunteer as tribute," Ellie jumped in. May whistled and made the Mockingjay symbol with her hand. "LADIES, DINNER IS SERVED!" Papyrus set all the delicious breakfast food down on the table. "Breakfast, breakfast, yummy yummy yummy," May sang as she grabbed from everything until there was no room left on her plate. "Whoa, okay, no, you're splitting that with me," Cleo moved half the food on May's plate over to hers. "Wait, where's Steve? Steve?!" Maddie ran out of the kitchen and poked her head back in to tell the others "There better be some food left when I come back!" The others turned back around. "Like cat mom is actually gonna be gone long enough for us to actually be able to even remotely close to finishing our food," they all laughed at May's statement because it was both true and complete nonsense.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat