Guilt By Pie

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March 30th, 9:43 AM

May was on the couch playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. "No, I'll just beat you within an inch of your life," she read aloud in the voice of Ghirahim she did freakishly well. Before she could start the battle, she felt her stomach growl. "No! I had a big breakfast, I can wait," she thought. Throughout the battle, rumbles kept throwing her off. She paused the game. "Okay fine! I'll eat something," she thought as she walked into the kitchen. Immediately, an incredibly delicious looking pie grabbed her attention. It had a chocolate crust, with a filling that looked like mint, topped with meringues and chocolate curls. May licked her lips as she prepared to cut a slice of the perfect treat. "Don't even think about touching that pie," She turned to see Mettaton. "I know it looks delicious, but some inspectors are coming to the hotel at 2 and they do not like me so that pie is going to be a big help in getting off the hook, well, I don't know for sure, but I still need that pie," If they did not approve, Mettaton could lose the hotel! May knew this, back when she worked there, the same people came by and gave him a warning. As the pie was slid away from her, May frowned at her growling stomach. "Here," Mettaton held out a bar of dark chocolate, not as good as pie, but May just wanted food in her belly, so she took a nip. The second Mettaton left the room, she spit it out. "Bitter!" too dark.

9:57 AM

May had resumed her game and defeated Ghirahim or, as she sometimes called him, Evil Mettaton. She tried her best to focus on the game, but all she could think about was that pie in the corner of the counter. "," She slapped herself in the face. "No, there are more important things than a treat, that pie could save the hotel," May wasn't sure if she was hallucinating, but 2 miniature versions of herself appeared on her shoulders. Both wearing the same outfit she wore to the dance, except red on one, white on the other. "So what's next in the game?" The one in white asked. Before May opened her mouth to answer, the one in red replied: "Pause the game and go eat that pie!" these must have been the angel and devil sides of May's conscience. "If you eat that pie, Mettaton could lose the hotel!" the angel barked back, pointing at May. "If you're hungry, just go and eat the damn pie! Either way, it's going to end up in someone's belly, that could be yours..." the devil crossed her arms. That last remark almost got May. She stood up and paused the game. "Sit back down!" the angel yelled. May did so only to hear her stomach rumbling once more. "If you wanna eat something, fine! As long as it's not the pie, just take something else, anything else," the angel suggested. "O...kay," May walked into the kitchen and began browsing the cabinets for something she could have. "Look in the fridge. Some fruit would be a good choice," the angel stated. "Alright," May replied as she took another bite of--Wait! What was she eating?! She gasped when she saw the tin full of crumbs. "Oh f**k, what have I done?!" she felt crumbs on her face and licked them off before hiding the evidence under a metal cake dome and burying that in packages of bread, muffins, and cookies.

10:02 AM

May was laying face up on the couch with her hands on her stomach. She felt as if she could almost see bits of the forbidden pastry sitting inside her now hurting belly. "I just damned the hotel," she thought. She pulled out a journal and a mechanical pencil. "Dear Diary, I feel like my body is out to get me. Not only do I have to deal with cramps all f*****g week, but my rumbling stomach tricked me into f*****g up any chance of the hotel still being alive after today. 'How?' you may ask, I accidentally ate a pie that was supposed to be for people coming to inspect the hotel making sure Mettaton was doing a good job as manager. Karma has definitely struck here! Now my stomach hurts so bad I might as well have eaten porcupine quills! Mettaton's going to kill me when he finds out! -May," she wrote. She then looked at her stomach again. It still hurt and was still trying to break down the entire pie.

10:04 AM

May gulped when she saw Mettaton walk into the kitchen. "May!" she braced herself for a temper loss when he walked back into the living room. "Did you eat that pie?" May got onto her knees and wrapped her arms around him, tears filling up her eyes. "I'm sorry! I was looking for something else to eat, but somehow I didn't notice what I was doing until it was gone. I f****d up! The hotel is f****d because of me! I'm so sorry!" Mettaton pat her back. "It's okay, I forgive you," May was confused. "That's it? You're...not gonna yell at me?" Mettaton lay her back down. "Hell no! The hotel's not f****d. I had Beverly make 2 pies just in case one of them got eaten," May just stared at him dumbfounded before something filled up her mouth. Since Mettaton was standing above her, she pushed him out of the way and onto the floor just before the partially digested pie escaped, all over her cloak, well, it was more of a vest/cape, all over her corset, all over her leggings. Mettaton stood back up and saw this. May lifted up her head about to get up. "Don't move!" he held out his hand. "I'm gonna be right back, I'm just gonna grab a few things, and we'll get you cleaned up," May watched him walk away.

10:08 AM

Mettaton walked back into the living room with a towel and a bucket. "Well, at least you don't have a bellyache anymore, now do you?" he asked as he began cleaning up May's little mishap. "How'd you-" he cut her off. "When I walked into the kitchen, I saw you laying here and you didn't look very snug. Plus, I don't believe anyone would be able to comfortably fit an entire pie in their belly, now could they?" "At least none of this got on you, that's why I pushed you," May let her head fall back onto the arm of the couch. Mettaton could see the guilt on her face. "Aw, it's okay," he pet her head and resumed cleaning. "Sorry if this is grossing you out," "No, I'm just happy to care for my little darling. I'm honestly surprised you're not all freaked out about this," "Nah, you know me, I like being cleaned," She grabbed the towel and began cleaning off her legs. "I'll do the rest of this myself," she sighed. "Why are you so obsessed with these stupid flesh sticks? I hate these things, they've let me down thousands of times, but frustratingly, you can't do anything without them," "Hey, quit trash-talking legs! They're fabulous!" just to prove his point, Mettaton struck a pose with one of his sexy legs up in the air. "Yeah yeah, but everyone's got legs, not many people have dem hot abs, take off your shirt, I wanna see 'em," Now May was all clean, but her clothes were stained. "Alright, but first, go change, I don't want you walking around with stains all day," "On it," May walked upstairs.

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