Something New Pt.2

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3:57 PM

May wanted to try taking a dip into the pool, but she was scared she wouldn't be able to swim once she went into the deep end, plus, she knew that once she stepped out of the hot tub, she would be freezing! When you walked out to the backyard, the first thing you saw was rows and rows of plants, (parallel to the fence), then past that, there was pavement and the pool, then at the very back, there was an expanse of lawn, and a pretty decent sized trampoline (the size of a traditional bounce house you'd find at a kid's party) in the corner.

3:58 PM

May wasn't sure who, but she saw someone walking out to the pool. As they got closer, May saw they were wearing a pink and grey bikini. She knew who it was. "Maddie?" The bikini she wore resembled her workout clothes almost entirely. "I thought cats hated water," As Maddie hang up her towel, she replied. "Yes, most cats do, but I am not most cats." May watched as Maddie effortlessly waded into the pool, and started treading water. Tentatively, she sat on the edge of the pool, and rested her feet on the first step, submerging her legs to just below her knee. She sat there for a while until the water no longer felt cold. Seeing Maddie swim around so easily gave her the courage to scoot down and sit on the first step. She was in the water up to her waist, she could feel her self start to panic, but forced her self to stay calm. "If a cat, a f*****g cat can swim then I sure can." With that thought, she stood up and walked down the rest of the steps. She stood there with her whole body under the water expect for her shoulders, and that was her standing on tip toes. Maddie floated over on her back, looking relaxed. May stood there, unable to speak. "Whats the matter May? Cat got your tongue?" As a taunt she splashed at May, getting some of her hair and face wet. May tried to run in the water after her. That obliviously didn't work. Soon, her feet left the bottom, now she was terrified. She planted her feet back on the pool floor and walked up to the edge. If she was freaked out when she was floating for a brief moment, there was no way she would be brave enough to swim. She walked up the steps, grabbed her towel, wrapped herself up, and walked back inside.

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