Unexpected Happenings

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January 4th, 2019, 9:31 AM

"Alright, this feud has gone on long enough!" "NEITHER OF YOU ARE LEAVING THIS ROOM UNTIL YOU RESOLVE EVERYTHING!" The guys were standing in front of the stairs, blocking the only way out of the basement. The first minute, May and April just stared each other down. The second minute, May broke the silence. "You! I have never seen you put in an ounce of effort, yet you somehow still have the edge in everything!" May yelled as she inched closer to April. Since she broke her leg before, May had mastered the art of hopping on one foot, and apparently hadn't forgotten. She grabbed April's wrist and gave it a powerful squeeze, resulting in a loud SNAP! A sharp pain filled the redhead's arm. "What did you do?!" May then realized what just happened. What did she do? She then remembered why she was upset. "Why should I care? You deserved it!" She reached out her hands and began closing in on April's head. Just before she could even touch it, April was swept out of the whole scene. May began to follow, but a familiar tug on her shoulders and she might as well have been paralyzed. Mettaton shook his head. She just crushed April's wrist! That was not normal! She needed to be taken to Dr. Alphys to get some answers! So this therapy trick that usually worked in the movies obviously did not work here. What would work then?

3:24 PM

April had been sent to the hospital and May had been sent to Dr. Alphys to get some experiments done. Confirmed: May had super strength! Afterward, she had run off. She didn't go to Hotland, because that would be too obvious. Instead, she was on top of a hill in a grassy field with some street dogs to keep her company. A small black terrier mix, a Rhodesian ridgeback, and a Collie. "Rum cake, Beer, Vodka, you're the only ones who understand me," she pet all of them and picked up a stick. "Fetch," she threw it much farther than she intended and sighed. "This super strength is gonna take some getting used to,"

3:26 PM

May heard footsteps and looked to her right. There was April with her left arm in a sling. Seeing that threw guilt in May's face. "I did that?" she asked. Before April could respond, the dogs came back, the terrier had the stick in her mouth. "Good girl Vodka," she pet the little black dog and threw the stick again, this time not as far. The 3 canines ran after it. "Since when do you have pets?" April asked, confused. "Who wants to know?" April rolled her eyes. "I know you hate me. Why?" May was silent. "Damnit May! I know you hate me but I can't do anything about it if you don't tell me why!" "You know why! Are you deaf?! I told why I hate you at least 11,000 times! You were always our parents favorite, and I spend hours trying to perfect my skills, but it's no match to your natural talent! How are you so damn good at everything?! I have never, once seen you practice anything, yet you're somehow always better, it's not fair!" She then quieted. "And you have always had so many friends! The closest thing I ever had to a friend is a bunch of street dogs," As if on cue, the dogs came back. This time, the ridgeback had the stick. "Good job, Rum cake! Your first fetch!" She began to sing "For they are jolly good puppies, oh they are jolly good puppies, for they are jolly good puppies," she held that last note for nearly half a minute. "Aw, I wish I could keep you as pets, but we don't have any space to run. Plus, I don't think my boyfriend is good with dogs," "What makes you say that?" asked a third voice she knew like the back of her hand. They both turned to see Mettaton. Rather than hopping over to him as they both expected, she began to hop away. "No! Get away from me! I'm too dangerous!" The side of the hill was steeper than she thought, causing her to fall. Even more unexpected, instead of hitting the semi-soft, slightly damp grass, she landed in two, very familiar and comforting arms. "Come on, let's go home," Mettaton began carrying May back to his place.

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