Baking Bright and Early

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April 20th, 2:51 AM

Having no need for them, Cleo didn't have a bedroom or a bed. Since she spent a lot of time in the basement, especially in the recording studio, where she often fell asleep, she made herself a really comfortable chair that was reclinable with wheels, arms, and a footrest. By now, she automatically leaned back into her chair and fell asleep, but tonight, she had leaned forward using her arm as a headrest. Awoken by the sound of babbling, she stood up and fell to the floor. "Hello my little flowers," She rocked Violet and Lily back to sleep and set them back down in their cribs. "Who left the lights on?" That was very unusual as lights were often considered unnecessary in the condo. During the day, they were unneeded, and at night, you only needed a little. After switching off the dim lamp in the corner of the living room, she walked up to find lights on in the kitchen. Not the main one (which was never used), but the artificial candles lined along the corners of the counter. Yep. Someone in the squad was awake.

2:53 AM

Cleo saw two shadows. One of them turned on the oven, preheating it to 375. The other pulling something out of the cabinet and setting it down on the counter. They were cooking? Why so late? "Someone's in here," the shorter one whispered. Were they wearing cat ears? Maddie. The other shadow was carefully angling what Cleo could now see was the waffle iron into a precise position. There was only one squad member with perfectionist levels that high, May. She pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight. "Cleo?" "What are you two doing?" Maddie began filling up 2 mini cupcake trays. "I'm making mini blueberry muffins, she's making waffles," Cleo looked at both of them, annoyed. "Do you know what time it is? Why are you cooking breakfast pastries in the middle of the night?" They better had good explanations.

2:54 AM

Maddie told her older sister that the cats woke her up, unable to return to sleep, she walked downstairs for something else to do. May's story: The thunderstorm gave her a nightmare, so she was cuddling with Mettaton but he ran out of batteries and she became desperate for a distraction. "Alright, Maddie, when those muffins go in the oven, you go back to sleep. It's especially important 'cause you're a mom. I'll pull them out when they're done," It was so hard not to shout, but no one else needed to be woken up. May closed and flipped the waffle press then found Cleo looking at her. "Save the rest of the batter for tomorrow morning, so Paps doesn't have to go through the trouble of making it himself," May rolled her eyes. "You know he's probably gonna make more anyway right?" Cleo began escorting Maddie out of the kitchen. "I wouldn't be surprised, but still," She then disappeared down into the basement.

2:56 AM

May turned to the cabinet looking for the right sized container. "May," She knew she would hear that voice sooner or later. She turned around and laughed nervously. "Waffle?" she offered. "Heard the whole thing. Back to bed when that waffle is done cooking and bagged up for tomorrow," "But-" May was cut off by her rumbling stomach. "Or you can eat it. Either way, I want you in bed," Mettaton walked back upstairs waiting for May to cuddle with him.

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