Holiday Prep

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December 14th, 5:19 AM

After going through her usual morning routine, May checked her phone. No work today, so she opened a box and pulled out a little snowman. It was almost as if she was working from home. She was the hotel's interior designer after all.

5:32 AM

Mettaton saw all of the decorations throughout the house. They were so beautiful, but none of them could compare to what he was hearing in the living room. "Gone away, is the bluebird, here to stay, is the new bird," Sang a little angel as she stood on the arm of the couch, trying to pin the end of the last streamer in the corner of the ceiling. It was just barely out of her reach. Mettaton stood in the corner of the room, ready to catch her. She finished the song and leaned a little too far out, causing her to fall right into his arms. She groaned in frustration. "I almost had it!" She then gave Mettaton a pleading look. "I need your tall guy powers," she pointed to the streamer hanging from the ceiling, pinned up in segments, with the rest dangling down from the last pin. "Of course darling,"  Mettaton grabbed May by the hips and lifted her up high enough to reach the corner of the ceiling, where the streamer was pinned. "Thank you," May smiled victoriously as she was carefully brought back down to the floor. She then gave Mettaton a hug. "You're the best," and with that, she walked off to continue decorating.

6:14 AM

May had tired herself out hanging ornaments on a tree in the opposite corner of the living room and fell asleep on the couch. "Don't give me that look April, I always knew you've been secretly planning world domination," sleep talk. It made Mettaton want to laugh, but he didn't want to wake her up. "I want in. I is leader of Tems, the most powerful soldiers in the land! We shall rule the world!!!" Mettaton could just imagine, May, taking over the world. Every square inch of it would be flooded with Temmies!! "Maybe we can convince the guys to join our army," Mettaton didn't know whether to be amused or concerned. Was May really planning world domination? Well, she would be a very good and super adorable leader.

6:27 AM

May had built herself a little bird nest on the couch out of pillows and blankets. Mettaton noticed this and began filming it with his camera from the doorway. "And here, we see a female drawing bird in her natural habitat. Notice her fabulous long black feathers, her beautiful blue eyes, and her amazing artwork. It might be marvelous, but it's absolutely nothing compared to her stunning beauty!" May looked up and smiled. "But don't let that cute smile fool you. She and all of her kind are setting their plans to take over the world in action," This made May laugh. "Will you join me, in my quest for world domination?" Mettaton smiled "You go on ahead, take over the world, I'd like to see what you'd do with it," Soon the room filled with laughter from both of them, along with a few more world domination jokes.

7:01 AM

"May, time for breakfast," Mettaton called out. In a little bit of time, there was May, standing under the mistletoe, patiently waiting for her hero without a cape on. A little kiss on the cheek and they both sat down for their meal.

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