Red...Velvet Cake

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January 28th, 11:36 PM

Everyone gathered around in the living room for a very special event: the babies' 1st birthday! Well, the two sets of babies were born one day apart. Cleo and Maddie's solution: start the celebration late at night so it starts on Violet and Lily's birthday, and carries over onto Molly and Mimi's birthday.

January 29th, 12:04 AM

"And here, is my gift to the little angels," May handed a pink bag over to Cleo and Maddie. Inside the bag were 2 toy chandeliers, each with stuffed critters hanging from them. "Hang them in the nurseries, they make nice decorations," the gifts were set back into the bag. "Now, cake," the twins began cutting slices and handed them to everyone. The frosting in the middle made everyone a little uncomfortable. "Hey, what flavor is this?" April asked. "Strawberry," the twins replied simultaneously. "Yeah, the color is a little concerning. It's a really dark red," May added. "If it wasn't in a cake, someone could easily mistake this for blood," When Cleo said that, May began looking in all directions. "Blood? Where? Must, kill," her eyes rolled up into her head and 4 of her teeth were now fangs. She got up from the couch and looked around the room. "Oh no. No no no no no no no." April knew exactly what was happening. She walked up to May holding up a slice of cake. "Hey, you want to kill something? Kill the cake. After all, it's already bleeding," May saw the blood-like frosting, gathered some on her finger and licked it. She looked around, seeming to not remember what just happened. "I was hoping this would've already gone by unnoticed." April began. "At some point during their preteens, or in a few late cases, their teens, every myte goes through this.. uh, well I'm not sure what to call it but basically during this state, if they see," she motioned for Mettaton to cover May's ears then continued "if they see blood or anything that looks like it, or if it's mentioned," she gave Cleo a look for less than a second. "They get the urge to kill. I already went through this myself years ago...looks like it's May's turn," "oh, I remember that, you almost killed me!" April ignored May's note. "When this happens, they have no control over what they do and all they think is kill, so trying to reason is completely useless, however, if you can get them to sink their fangs into something red, things should go back to normal. I recommend something sweet. This can last from a few days up to around 2 weeks," she concluded.

12:36 AM

Mettaton waited until May was in bed before he walked into the kitchen and confronted April. "So you were saying that May went crazy for a brief moment because she's going through some kind of phase?!" April paused, she wasn't too sure how to explain this 'cause frankly, she wasn't too sure herself. "Well, you know how mytes have multiple lives? If you make it to a certain age mytes develop...powers, they help us fight in the demon realm." Mettaton looked at her as if she was speaking a different language. "This would have been nice to know before she went all Dracula on us!" "Well, I said earlier that I hoped it had already passed without any episodes being triggered!" April walked off to clean up, leaving Mettaton dumbfounded.

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