Unfairly Forbidden

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11:28 PM

May was rustling around in bed, unable to get comfortable. Seeing Mettaton standing in the far corner of her room, she got up and hugged him, not planning on letting go anytime soon. Mettaton returned the hug and tucked the little, very tired angel back into bed. Despite how sleepy she was, May just couldn't find that cozy position she longed for. Mettaton saw this and joined her in bed. "Can't sleep?" She snuggled up to him. "Not without cuddles," they both smiled. "Can you take off your shirt?" Mettaton looked at her. "Nevermind, I'm fine, goodnight sexy," Before Mettaton could reply, May was already sleeping like a baby. 

11:31 PM

The lights turned on. April stormed over to the bed, dragged Mettaton out of the room and threw him down the stairs. The door slammed. "Why did you do that?" May bent her eyebrows as she walked downstairs to see if Mettaton was hurt. "Are you okay? Did my b***h excuse for a sister hurt you?" She hugged him tightly. He tried to say something, but his voice was so distorted, May couldn't make out a word. She began to guide him to a cable. Normally, he would at least be able to hold onto her, but this time, he fell to his knees, that's when May noticed several dents and dislocated panels. Having no idea what she was supposed to do, she pulled out her phone and held it up to her ear. "Dr. Alphys, you need to come now! Mettaton has been badly hurt and I don't know what to do! Some panels were knocked out of place, he has dents all over, and his voice is too distorted for me to understand!"

11:39 PM

Alphys had told May that Mettaton would be fine. While he was undergoing repairs, May was arguing with the one responsible for the damage. "You b***h! Why did you do that?! You know I can't live without him! He would never hurt me!" April looked at her as if she was an idiot. "I was fine with you two hugging, holding hands, kissing, but sleeping together? That's where I draw the line! May, you're too young to share a bed with a guy, you could've gotten pregnant!" "First of all, I would make an amazing mom, and second, that's not what we were doing! He was just there to help me fall asleep and comfort me when I'm scared or have a bad dream. You threw him, down the stairs, because you don't approve of harmless cuddling?!" they were interrupted when a third voice shouted "Can you please not?! I'm trying to get some sleep and your feud is keeping my two babies awake!" Silence filled the condo as Maddie walked back into her bedroom. "Look what you've done, now we have to deal with a very tired and cranky cat mom tomorrow," May tried not to yell. "What I've done? The angry cat mom thing is on both of us, but you can't have Mettaton with you in your bed. From now on, you aren't allowed to kiss or even as much as touch him," This was so unfair. "F**k you," May held up her middle finger. "You have no control over me, and I won't listen to any of the s**t that comes out of your mouth," She walked back up to her room and began thinking. "She must die, but first, I need to break all the bonds she has so she won't be mourned," she had the perfect idea for Papyrus, but how was she going to break the bonds April had with her friends?

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