He Wasn't Supposed To--

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April 26th, 1:47 PM

May had been sitting in the living room, ranting to the kittens. "I mean, their relationship doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Where's the love? I've never seen them kiss, they've only hugged once, and they don't cuddle, what kind of couple doesn't cuddle?" Little did she know, Papyrus was in the other room, listening to every word. "I know it's none of my business, but she says they are romantic in a way. Seriously? If you have to add 'in a way'..." May never finished, unable to find the words. "Maybe that's why she hates it when I cuddle with Mettaton...but could she have at least just started doing that stuff with her boyfriend, instead of throwing mine down the stairs?" May was still not over that, and would probably never let it go.

4:03 PM

April slouched over the table, looking through the song selection on the jukebox. "Why are they all love songs?" normally, she wouldn't mind, as she only knew 10 of the hundred plus songs available. Well, to be fair, they were all from the 19th century, mostly 80s. Well, it was an 80s style restaurant. Or was it 50s? Yeah, the 50s. Why was she thinking 80s? Giselle pulled out a nickel. "I know what song you want," she fed the coin to the music machine and punched in a sequence. April's eyes widened when La Bamba started playing, but when she didn't sing along like she normally did, Giselle and Renia suspected something wrong. "What's with the long face? Did something happen?" April opened the menu in front of her, avoiding the question. "Can I get you three any drinks?" A guy with edgy green hair, almost like a mini mohawk, and light skin stood by their table with a pen and notepad. April sighed in relief. "I'll take a vanilla milkshake," Renia tucked her curly ocean blue hair behind her ears. "I'll have the chocolate strawberry kiss," "And I'll have peanut butter," Giselle added. "Alright ladies, 3 milkshakes coming right up," "Gracias Estevan," the three had been frequenting Johnny Rockets for nearly 2 months and they were pretty close with the waiters. "So what's wrong? You've hardly spoken at all and you weren't singing along with the music, something's definitely up," April looked through the menu. "Am I gonna have to deal with you two prying at me all day?" she asked. "Unless you tell us what's going on, yes," April rolled her eyes and let her head fall into her hands. "Ay, Dios Mio,"

4:16 PM

The girls were given their food. "Alright, a delicious bacon cheeseburg--hey!" Giselle snatched April's food before she could take a bite. "Spill the beans if you want your food," April took a deep breath. "P...Pa...Pap..." she couldn't even get the first word out. The way her friends were looking at her was not helping. "Papyrus broke up with me," she spat.

6:29 PM

"It was just so sudden," April was back at the condo, telling all this to the squad at dinner. "He said our relationship 'wasn't going anywhere'," May began to worry. "'Where is the love?' he asked," she felt her stomach tie into a knot, pushing everything back up. "I don't feel so good," she ran out of the kitchen and into the living room, barely making it to a bucket. After throwing away the plastic bag, she walked back into the kitchen. "You just threw up, didn't you?" April asked. "No," May lied. "False alarm," she hoped it was just nerves and it would all blow over soon enough. She couldn't just tell April "Hey, I accidentally put stuff into your boyfriend's head, that's why he broke up with you," No. If April found out, May would be mincemeat.

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