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August 3rd, 5:12 AM,

"Sun's rising soon. Time to get ready for a run,"  Maddie monologued before changing into her workout clothes. She then quietly ran down the stairs and carefully opened the front door. With absolute stealth, she tip-toed onto the porch and quietly shut the door. Now she was free. Headphones on, sneakers laced, bandanna tied, hair in a high ponytail, she sprinted along the sidewalk. Mission accomplished!

(Pause story)

Maddie was obsessed with exercise since she was 4 years old. She loved doing gymnastics. When she was 10, instead of sleeping, she would break into the gym and work out there. Then the next morning, the owner would unlock the doors to see her collapse from exhaustion. Lucky for her, the gym owner admired her dedication, so she wasn't banned for doing this. However, when Cleo would find out, she would be put on house arrest and tied to a chair (not literally). At age 11, she switched from sneaking into the gym at night, to going on 20 mile runs before dawn, and after dusk. Cleo didn't approve of this either, because it was too much and in the dark, but Maddie did it anyway. She would work out so much, fainting became a common occurrence. But not anymore. At the end of April 2017, when she had recently turned 13, she was brought to a hospital where they told her she was pregnant, and she hasn't passed out since. Now she was 14 and became a pro at sneaking out. Unfortunately, this didn't help because Cleo would wake up before she returned, and find her sister missing.

(Resume story)

5:36 AM

Maddie had slowed her pace from running to jogging. "Just, another, half, mile," she pushed herself. She could feel her bandanna shifting around on her head as she bounced up and down, until it slid off entirely. She turned around and stopped to put it back on. 

5:38 AM

Maddie had completed her 20th mile and was starting to lose her balance. She looked up to see Undyne coming her way. "You on a morning run too? I, just, finished, mine," she asked as she dizzily wobbled toward the humanoid fish. Undyne stopped in front of Maddie and caught her before she could fall. "Hey! Stay with me, punk," she then checked her fitbit. "20 miles?" "Yep! They say 'if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you', and none of the stretches or moderate runs challenge me, so I run 20 miles, twice a day,everyday," Maddie replied with zero energy left. She would NEVER admit she was exhausted. Undyne knew this. "As much as I encourage a good amount of exercise, there is such thing as working too hard," she explained as she started walking back to her house, with Maddie right next to her. "Oh please,  I thought that didn't matter to the head of the Royal Guard," Maddie was regaining a little bit of energy.

5:42 AM

 Undyne opened the door, and walked right in with Maddie right behind her. "B-back already? Th-that was only s-six minutes!" Alphys questioned as she took the boiling water off the stove. She then noticed Undyne didn't come back alone. "Oh, H-hey Maddie. Would you l-like some tea?" she offered. "Sure. What flavors do you have?" Maddie asked as she made her way over to the table. "W-well, there's herbal, mint, golden flower, c-chamomile, and blueberry," Alphys listed. "I'll take blueberry," Maddie was barely able to keep her head up. "Found her out of breath and barely able to walk. I had to stop her from collapsing right in front of me. I'll set up a new workout plan for her then walk her home," Undyne explained. "Sh-should I, c-call her, s-sister?" Alphys asked nervously. "Yeah, Cleo is probably looking for her right now," Undyne replied before joining Maddie at the table. "So how long did it take you to run 20 miles today?" she asked. "26 minutes," Maddie answered. "Is that the same speed you run every day?" she continued. "No. I used to be able to run 15 miles in less than ten minutes. I've been slacking recently and haven't gotten back on track yet," Maddie pouted. Undyne stopped to think. 20 miles in less than half an hour? THAT was slacking for her? For most runners, it took an HOUR to run 10 miles! This was worse than she thought it was.  Why did she feel the need to run so fast? Undyne would NOT give up until she found out the answer.

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