Early Morning Love

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November 4th, 5:27 AM

May woke up and checked the time on her phone. "Dammit. I overslept!" She scrambled out of bed and threw on her heels. She almost walked into the bathroom, but then turned to run downstairs. "I don't even have time to bathe!" She thought as she whipped up some coffee in a to-go cup.

5:32 AM

She ran into the living room and reached for the doorknob when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Mettaton standing next to her. "Where are you going?" He asked. May was confused. "I thought you told me to meet you at the hotel at 6," "I did tell you, but I meant 6 PM," Mettaton replied. "Well you have to specify or else I just assume it's AM," May crossed her arms and took a sip of coffee. "Skipped my morning bath for nothing!" She muttered. "What are you talking about? I found you asleep on the couch with wet hair an hour ago," Now May was even more confused. "Did something weird happen to me last night? Was I drunk?" Mettaton tried not to laugh at that. "What? No! Nothing unusual happened. And you most definitely weren't drunk! I would never let that happen." He couldn't keep a straight face. It was just, she was thinking about something weird that could've happened and the first thing that came to her mind was getting drunk. That was just too funny. May then realized what she said and snickered. After getting over that, she took another sip of coffee, then spit it out. That was disgusting! "How did I not notice I put hand soap in my coffee?" She walked into the kitchen to make herself another cup. Mettaton then heard a crashing sound and ran in to see May on the floor, surrounded by coffee brew. He immediately grabbed a towel and began cleaning up the hot mess. He would grab May, but in order to do that, he had to be able to get to her. After cleaning out a path, he picked her up and carried her to the couch. He saw May had a bruise next to her left eye, right above her cheek and a few small burns on both of her arms.

5:34 AM

Mettaton walked back into the living room with an ice pack. He stood behind the couch and moved the poor May's hand away from her face. The bruise was beginning to swell. "Don't touch it. It'll hurt more," he told her, trying to sound as soft as possible. May hated the chill of that block pressing beside her eye. Her head already hurt, now it was cold! "I know you don't like the ice, but it will help you get better," Mettaton did his best to wipe away her tears without hurting her more. He then tried to put all the pieces together to figure out what happened. In her rush, she spilled some brew on the floor and instead of flavoring, she added hand soap. When she went back into the kitchen to make another cup, she slipped in the brew puddle and hit her head on the floor and since she was holding the carafe, coffee flung all over the floor. That sound he heard, was the carafe hitting the tiles.

5:41 AM

Mettaton removed the ice from May's face. Her bruise looked ever so slightly better, and judging by the look on her face, she seemed to be feeling better. She rustled around onto her side and yawned. "Alright. I believe the reason this happened was because you only slept for a little over an hour last night. So from now on, you can't stay up any later than midnight," "Midnight? That's so early!" May complained as she curled herself up. There were 2 reasons why she did that. 1. She was hungry, and 2. She was trying to stay warm. Mettaton could tell the difference between them and in this case, May was feeling hungry. "Anything I can get for you?" he asked. "I'm not feeling food right now," May replied. Mettaton gave her an "Oh, really," look. "Fine. Can I have some marshmallows?" she asked. "Anything substantial?" May paused to think for a moment. "Hmmm...how about.... toast!" she decided. "With jam," she added. To May, her stomach was some sort of beast that would kill her if it became too powerful, and food gave it power.

5:49 AM

Mettaton returned with a piece of toast in hand. "That little guy sure is good at his job. The kitchen is spotless!" May knew he was referring to Helper Bot, and she agreed. He was good at his job. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a growl from her empty stomach. Mettaton held out the plate of toast. May hesitated, but kept taking tiny bites until it disappeared. After finishing, she let out what Mettaton thought was the most adorable little burp he had ever heard. He then picked her up off the couch. "There, now doesn't that feel better?" he pat her stomach and set her back down. "With a full belly and a nice blanket to keep you warm," he grabbed a blanket and bundled her up as she fell asleep with a cute little smile. "Sweet dreams darling," He kissed her forehead then left.

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