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(I threw in a couple videos in case someone didn't know the songs)

October 24th, 7:14 PM

May was backstage, pacing. "I don't think I can do this! I mean, I haven't been here in 4 months and, and, what if I forget the words? Or get a move wrong?" Mettaton grabbed her shoulders. "May, you'll do great! You always did and you always will!" Somehow, that didn't help at all. "You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend!" Mettaton was in disbelief. She never rejected his words! NEVER! What could he do now? Nothing worked better than that! Wait! Better! That's it! "Well, if you're too afraid to go out there, then I can do it for you," that got her attention. "WHAT?! No!" His plan was working! "What? You think I can't do it better?" "Of course not!" She began to sing "I can do anything better than you!" Little did she know, there was a camera rolling backstage! They got to the high note part. "Where's the competition here? It's obvious that I can sing higher!" May thought. A few more lines passed by, then they got to long notes. "No competition here either," more lines went by. "I can do most anything," Mettaton sang. "Can you bake a pie?" May asked. "No," was his answer. "Neither can I!" That particular line was true to them. Before they became a couple, they had tried to bake a pie together: epic fail. "Anything you can sing, I can sing sweeter," Oh, no! Now she was in for some real competition! "I can sing anything sweeter than you," A bit of sweet singing later, and the song ended, and May was feeling amazing! "Now get out there and light up that stage!"

7:18 PM

May walked to the center of the stage. The crowd was screaming. "Wow, they must have really missed me," she thought. The music began, and she went into her starting position. The spotlight turned on, and she began to sing, "There's only two types of people in the world," she danced flawlessly. Everyone watched in amazement as she performed miraculously! "Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor just like a circus," the song ended and she struck the finishing pose! The light faded and the crowd went wild. May smiled knowing she was appreciated. No, wait! Adored! "May darling! That was absolutely fabulous!" Mettaton grabbed her waist and picked her up. She felt unstoppable! Like she could do anything! "Increíble!" April walked in and gave May a huge hug. "I'm so proud!" that made May's smile even bigger. She had been waiting her whole life to hear those words! Maddie then poked her head in. "So glad to have you back! I'm sick of the twins being pretty much the only ones up there!" they all laughed. Maddie and April went back to the rest of the group. "Could this night possibly get better?" May asked. "Oh I got something for you that could do that," Mettaton wrapped his arms around May. "And what-" May was cut off when Mettaton pressed his lips against hers. 2 seconds, and May pulled away. Her face turned red. Mettaton didn't even know her skin could look any rosier than it already was. He didn't know whether he should apologize, or quietly revel in how cute she looked when she blushed, because ah! It was so adorable! May was blushing so hard, but Mettaton was right! It did make the night better! She had been anticipating her first kiss forever, and now it just happened! Should she tell anyone? Nah, it would be better not to.

7:21 PM

May walked over to join the rest of the group, still blushing. "So you two kissed," May stopped walking and let out a little shriek. She turned around to see April standing behind her. "How did you know that?!" May got all flustered, and her face turned even redder. "You're blushing!" May denied it. "What? No I'm not!" she blushed even harder. "I'm telling the others." April started running over to the others. "No! Please, no!" May ran after her. "Hey guys! Guess what!" April called out as she joined them. "You know the unbridled love and affection between tonight's star and a certain someone?" she turned to face May, and got nods and some "yes,"s. "Well," April paused for a few seconds before revealing, "They kissed!"

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