Another Average Day With a Touch of Nostalgia

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3:02 AM

May had managed to get 14 minutes worth of shuteye and was now rustling around in bed wide awake. "Who am I kiddin'? I'm just gonna go downstairs and watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3," she thought before climbing out of bed. "Ah! No. Back to bed now," May was confused. She thought Mettaton was unresponsive while he charged, and she knew that wasn't 35 minutes! As if Mettaton could read her mind (which by now he might as well be able to) he replied "I was at 40% when I plugged in so I didn't have to charge for as long, but don't worry about that. Right now you need to go back to bed and rest up. We have work in the morning," He led May back to bed and tucked her in. She began rustling around under the blankets. She couldn't seem to get comfortable. Mettaton joined her in bed and gave her a dose of heat magic. "Where's the bartender?" Sleep talk. "I'll get a root beer," She was dreaming about a nightclub. "Thank you for not getting vodka," Mettaton thought as he walked downstairs. He had only known May for almost a year and a half, but it felt like they knew each other their whole lives.

It was May 21st, 2017, at 1:02 PM. Mettaton and Papyrus were walking down the street and stopped when they saw 2 young, beautiful girls coming their way. One of them looked a lot like Mettaton. Black hair, pink and black dress, black leggings and black heels. The other was a pale, rosy redhead wearing all white. They could do nothing but stand there and stare at them. The redhead noticed and froze. "I wanna be just like-" the other was cut off when she felt a tug on her shoulder. She was tongue tied immediately. "Y-you two are," she managed to say after a moment of stammering. "real," the redhead finished. "I, I," the Mettaton look-alike nearly fell, but the redhead grabbed her arm, with her eyes still locked onto Papyrus. "I wanna be just like you!" The look-alike could hardly breathe. Finally snapping out of their trance, the guys walked away. Mettaton still couldn't believe he just stood there saying nothing. At first, he hardly even tried. (Mainly because May was trying too hard, which annoyed him at first) but then he saw how big of a fan she was, and that she was really cute. He loved the way she used her powers as part of her acts. Her hair and fingers would generate firework sparks. She could create fireworks of any type of any size (that's how she earned the nickname) but unfortunately stopped when she found out fireworks were illegal in California. "My power is only useful for one day of the year." he had heard her say. He didn't believe that was true, but he didn't want her arrested, so he accepted that she no longer did that. He definitely missed it though.

6:14 AM

May walked downstairs with wet hair, a full face of makeup (minus foundation, it too closely resembled fake tan) and her usual leather knee high heeled boots. She walked into the kitchen and saw a to-go cup and a note. "Peppermint Mocha with whipped foam, just the way you like it! <3 you darling! :)" She grabbed the cup and put the note in her bag. Something caught her eye. In the corner of the counter, there were the keys. Maybe if she took them, they would walk, and she wouldn't have to drive! She went out the front door and began walking to work. She managed to get to the end of the block when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Ha. Nice try, but we're driving today," "Fine," May rolled her eyes and walked over to the pencil gray Crossover in the driveway. "You won't get anything past me, darling. I'll always know what you're up to," Mettaton got in and May started the car.

6:17 AM

May smacked the horn. "Watch where you're going, you stupid damn hardhead!" she yelled at an emerald sedan that almost ran into her. Mettaton smiled and shook his head. That was exactly what he was like behind the wheel in traffic. "That idiot was probably asleep!" May turned and kept driving to the hotel. She couldn't wait to get out of the car!

6:19 AM

May climbed out of the car and stormed right into the hotel. She entered the dining hall. "You idiots! I said black walls and white spades! Not white walls and black spades!" She began angrily, but carefully, taking down the wallpaper. "But my sister will like this design, so it's not going to waste," she added as she rolled up the first large piece.

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