Something New Pt. 1

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March 6th, 8:04 AM

Most of the students in the class were talking, class ended in 16 minutes and Dr. McNeil could hardly even get through one part of the lesson. "Guys, shut up! Some people are trying to learn!" May's note had no effect on the class' behavior. She was fed up with this! She got up from her desk and walked to the front of the classroom. Somehow, this got everyone's attention. "Hey! We all came here to learn! But we can't do that if you guys can't even f*****g listen for even one f*****g second! When you guys all talk during class, it makes things hard for everyone! Dr. McNeil can't do her job, we students have no idea what we're supposed to do, and it just annoys the students who are trying to get As, but can't because they can't hear the teacher! So quit being b*****s, quit being d*****bags! You are the result of 3 1/2 billion years of evolutionary success for crying out loud, so act like it for Christ's sake! And if you can't do that, f**k you and get out!" Soon May was the only student left in the classroom. She took a stand, but did it work? "May, we will talk about this in the office at break," Dr. McNeil opened the door to her classroom. "Alright everyone back inside, class isn't over yet," As she and her classmates silently walked back to their desks, May saw Dr. McNeil writing a note. Seemed like she was in trouble.

2:18 PM

May was waiting in the office. She was lucky enough that softball practice was canceled. "At least I'm not missing practice," she thought. The door opened. She walked to the car next to an angry Mettaton. "May, what the f**k were you thinking?!" May was having a lot of trouble understanding why she was in trouble. "I was just standing up for the teacher, standing up for people's education!" Mettaton was not any less mad. "May, that doesn't sugarcoat the fact you have been suspended for the rest of this week and all of next week! And until the school lets you come back, you miss, are grounded!"

3:41 PM

May wasn't allowed any screens, music, or art, and she couldn't go out. 12 days and 12 nights not being able to do 96% of her daily activities. Even worse, since she was suspended, there was no school taking up a majority of those 12 days! At least April said she would bring May her homework, filling up at least 10 minutes of her time. Not today though, since she finished all of it in class. She had been home for an hour and a half, and she already had enough. "This sucks," she thought. "I can't believe he grounded me. I mean, without those toothpick shoes, he's about 3 feet too short to be my dad," saying that made her giggle. Her dad was famous for being so unusually tall, about as tall as she was with her boots on, standing on a chair. She and April loved to make jokes about that.

3:46 PM

May saw Squishy standing in the doorway leading to the kitchen. "Hi Squishy. Sorry if you came to watch me do something awesome. I can't because I'm grounded," Squishy then left. "Wait, you can still cuddle with me," Why did she say that? Squishy came back wearing scuba gear and completely over-sized goggles. "What? Squishy, I can't swim! You know that!" On Zhumyte, there was only one large body of water. It was one big lake. Swimming was something only trained professionals could do. So the summer of when April and May joined the squad, at first May would just lay on one of those floating mattresses, while April would just sit on the edge with the water touching no more than her shins. When the squad members asked why they just did that, they admitted that neither of them knew how to swim. Maddie had taught April, so she could swim, not very well, but she could. May however, barely even learned. To think about taking a dip now, she would probably drown! "Plus, I don't even own a swimsuit," Squishy pulled out a black one piece. May sighed and grabbed the one piece, walking upstairs. "Got nothing better to do anyway,"

3:49 PM

"Woah, that is a lot of cleavage!" This suit had an inch and a half, compared to what May was used to (which was none at all) that was a lot. After a little bit of looking in the mirror, making sure everything was covered, May walked downstairs and out to the backyard, wrapped in a towel. "I can do this, it's just one big bathtub, I already take a bath at least 3 times a day, this can be a good excuse to take another," The flat still water looked so agonizing. "At least it's not a chlorine pool, so it won't damage my hair, and I don't have to worry about the painful sting if I don't use goggles," she hang the towel on the rack on the fence. She turned around and saw the hot tub next to the pool. "F**k this, I'll just go in there," with that, May stepped into the hot tub.

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