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October 31st 2:16 PM

It was Halloween and everyone was getting their costumes ready. "Do think this is fine or should I put on more?" May asked. "I think that's enough red," April replied. "You think I am ready to show everyone?" May asked in an eerie demon like voice. She was dressed up as Him from the Powerpuff Girls. She wore long black leather high heeled boots, a solid red dress with pink feathers sewed onto the end, more pink feathers around her neck, red eyeshadow, a LOT of pink blush, black lipstick, and a light layer of red face powder. "I didn't know how to make claws work so I'm just using red gloves," May added. "Understandable," April replied. "Anyway, you think I look like," she put on a hat, helmet, thing, and turned around. "Mojo Jojo?" she asked. "Looks great, but PLEASE don't talk like him! He's SO repetitive, and it's REALLY annoying," May begged. "I promise, I won't," April replied. She had put on white high heeled boots, black leggings, a black long-sleeved shirt with a blue tank top over it, green eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and black lipstick. "I wonder what the guys have for their costumes."

7:19 PM

The sun was beginning to set, and everyone was gathering at the door. Cleo was dressed up as Rosalina, Maddie was wearing a Vidia costume, Grace and Beverly were Dipper and Mabel, Ellie was Megara, Mettaton was Severus Snape, Papyrus was Gandalf, Undyne: Captain Hook, Alphys: Mr. Smee, and "Sans! Why?!" he was wearing a Ness costume. In the fandom, there was a big theory that Sans was Ness, and it was the dumbest theory ever! "You know what, let's just go," and out the door everyone went.

8:49 PM

Another song began to play. "I know that song anywhere! It's the Thriller!" April loved that song. "Does anyone remember the dance?" May asked. "I got half of it down," Cleo replied. "Maybe some other people at this party can remind us," They found someone and all had a great time dancing, even May, who was currently working on shedding off the whole "must get every move right" tactic, which allowed her to improve a LOT!

8:52 PM

Another song played. "Yes! This is my favorite!" May exclaimed before singing along. "Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?" The others joined in. "Come with us and you will see, this, our town of Halloween,"

9:26 PM

More people arrived at the party. "What is SHE doing here?!" May asked. She recognized that bleach blonde and fake tan anywhere! "That f-" "Hey! There are young and innocent people present, so no cursing!" April interrupted. May stormed right over to the girl who just came in. "You were not invited!" she crossed her arms. April grabbed her arm and dragged May over to another part of the room. "Is she that.. b-word you keep talking about?" May nodded. "Okay, you just..uh..get yourself some punch. I'll handle this," She walked over to the front door and tied the girl's hands behind her back. "Oooooh, I like what I see," May thought as her nemesis was dragged over to the backyard, at the edge of the pool. April then took off the fake blonde hair extensions and motioned for May to come over. "Would you like to do the honors?" She asked. "My pleasure!" May replied before pushing the girl into the pool. They both laughed in delight as fake tan filled the water. "I'll get you tramps for this!" The girl shouted as the two walked back inside. "Finally! Revenge! We turned Bella into Bawl-a! That's what you get for tryin' to steal my man!" May cackled. "Yeah, that felt so good!" April added. They then walked back to the group and kept enjoying the party.

November 1st, 12:56 AM

May took a bite of another Massive Madness Marshmallow, (which was basically just large marshmallows dipped in colored chocolate and decorated to look like something a mad scientist made) and shook her head. "Look at him. Not even enjoying the party. Just laying on the couch drinking ketchup," April turned and walked over to her. "What's that?" she asked. "Nothing, Sans is just full of idiota queso," April almost choked on her punch. "Idiota queso?" she laughed. "What? What did I say?" May asked, confused. "So you think Sans is full of idiot cheese?" "What?" Now May was laughing too.

1:39 AM

Grace and Beverly were sitting at a table drinking punch and admiring 2 hot looking guys. Ellie saw them and knew they must be stopped. "Oh no. Don't even try to get those 2 bastards," she scolded. "They're not bastards," "They look hot," the twins replied. "You're just going to add 2 more names to your mile-long ex lists," Ellie walked away. "What's wrong with her? They're worth a shot," "And they seem to be liking us," they waved at the guys, who waved back.

4:21 AM

Most of the people at the party had left, but the squad and their friends, plus 11 other people, including the hot guys the twins had spotted, were still there. May opened her bag and began filling it with party treats (All of which had some sort of packaging). Massive Madness Marshmallows, Hi-Chews, Skittles, Tootsie Rolls, Lollipops, Almond Joys, Red Vines, Swedish Fish, Butterfingers, Smarties, M&Ms, Reese's and Milky Ways. She then grabbed her cup and filled it with a whole bunch of different sodas. Root Beer, Cherry Pepsi, Coke 0, Grape Fanta, Sprite, and Dr. Pepper. Yummy! "And, the party is almost over, so no one will suspect a thing!" she thought delightfully as she took a sip of her soda combination. Mettaton could tell she was getting loopy. He walked over to her and snatched her drink out of her hand. "Okay, that's enough soda for tonight," May gave him a look that said "What? That's not fair!" Mettaton kind of felt bad, but he had to make sure May didn't get herself into trouble. "Open your bag," May refused. Eventually, Mettaton was able to take it. "I'm confiscating this," if he knew May, she would binge on the candies she collected, and go on a complete sugar high.

4:23 AM

The rest of the squad was getting ready to leave. "Come on. We're going home," he then turned to see May had dozed off in a nearby chair. "Welcome, to the new and improved MTTT Hotel. As you can see, it's been repaired, relocated, and renovated," sleep talk. "Must be dreaming about her new job," Mettaton thought. He had recently hired her to be the hotel's interior designer. She wanted to add an extra T to MTT since Thomas was her last name, but he had told her no (for now, he would allow her to add the extra T when they got married). Of course, the first thing she did was repair the fountain in the lobby. Well, actually, it was replaced entirely. "Thank you for letting me torture Burgerpants. It's fun!" more sleep talk. He didn't intend to teach her this, but she learned quickly that it was fun to torture Burgerpants. He then cleared his head of the thought, picked May up, opened the door, and began carrying her home.

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