Mall Trip...Yaaaay...

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April 7th, 6:17 AM

May had suddenly snapped awake from her dream of living in a world made out of candy, ice cream, and other sugary delights to hear her stomach rumble. She walked down into the kitchen and opened the fridge: zilch! The cabinets: nada! No food? But she was hungry!

11:24 AM

May and Mettaton were at the mall. She had no idea why he dragged her along. Shortly after they arrived, Mettaton had to take a phone call. She knew not to disturb him, as this was for work, but she was losing her patience. They were just about to leave, and he finally hung up. Beyond impatient and full-on hangry, May violently tugged on Mettaton's shoulder, pointing to the food places, rubbing her stomach, making every gesture that shouted: "Feed me!" "Darling, have you been hungry this whole time?" May nodded. As if it had lost its temper, May's stomach made a sound louder than ever. "Sorry May, that phone call took so much longer than expected. I'll get you something to eat, I promise," They began walking once more.

12:06 PM

May was now in bed, gobbling up a large and delicious meal. She turned her head to face Mettaton, who was standing in the doorway, and smiled to say "thank you," she wanted to finish her lunch, but her belly was so full of food, she couldn't eat another bite. She could barely stay awake long enough for a tiny burp to escape before turning her head back to Mettaton and wait, did she just purr? "Come over here sexy, cuddle with me," Mettaton couldn't deny May cuddles when she wanted them, but something seemed a little off. Well, she should be fine, as long as he kept an eye on her. He joined her in bed and she instantly snuggled up close to him, barely able to keep her eyes open. "Thanks for the delicious food, but it's not as good as the taste of your love," Hearing that made Mettaton a bit worried. "She must be crazy on too much food," He thought as May wrapped her arms around him even tighter. He had to try hard to not wrap his arms around her, just in case she got any...ideas. 

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