Karma's Not a B***h...Yet...

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12:37 PM

May was on the couch watching Spaceballs. "1-800-Druidia, how original," she commented sarcastically. April walked in and gasped. "You're watching Spaceballs?" "Yes?" April dashed onto the couch. "Without me?!" All the squad members loved this cheesy Star Wars ripoff.

12:39 PM

April looked different. "What did you do to your hair?" May asked. "Got a slight trim, curled it a little, died it," Along with the (according to the Earthlings) unnatural looking red, were purple highlights. "You got piercings too?" "Yeah, just a few on the ears, and at the ends of my eyebrows," May thought the changes were kind of cool, but how would Papyrus react? "What do I care? He deserves this for f*****g up my-I mean Mettaton's hotel," she thought. "Maybe this could be karma, he f****d up the hotel, now his girlfriend had f****d up her look," her thoughts were interrupted when someone asked "Spaceballs again? Don't you two have this whole thing memorized by now?" May turned to see Mettaton standing behind the couch. "Yes...but that doesn't mean we're getting sick of it. I do this with every movie I like: watch it over and over until I memorize the whole thing, even then, I still watch it!" She had memorized Spaceballs, 47 Meters Down, Lilo And Stitch, Jurassic World, Ant-Man, and Hercules to the point where she knew precisely what happened at what time. "If that's the case, what happens exactly 5 minutes into this movie?" In no time, May answered "Col. Sandurz offers Dark Helmet a cup of coffee," Yep! May had obviously seen Spaceballs too many times. "It's funny and incredibly cheesy, I'm with you there, but you definitely watched this too many times," he ejected the disk. "Hey!" both girls whined simultaneously. Noticing this, they looked at each other, both real creeped out.

12:41 PM

Mettaton had recommended Happy Feet. The girls seemed to recognize it. "I knew this movie, seen it a few times, just didn't know the name," May thought. They both heard a knock on the door. "That must be Papyrus, he's totally gonna flip out!" May told herself quietly as April walked up to answer. "Hola, Papy," For a second, Papyrus didn't seem to recognize her. "WHO ARE YO... APRIL?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" May looked to April to see her tuck her head down blushing. "She gave herself a makeover Paps! Don't you just...love it?" May tried very hard to hide the smirk on her face as she watched Paps walk over to April. He tucked Aprils hair behind her ear and looked closer at her. He snapped his hand back when April winced. "They're still healing." She explained, looking up at him hopefully. "You look so...COOL! I LOVE HOW SHINY THEY ARE!" May scoffed as she paused the movie before walking down into the basement. "May, what's wrong?" She turned around and bent her eyebrows. "Wrong? Paps was supposed to hate her new look! I think you are underestimating this catastrophic event here!" Ignoring the mispronunciation, Mettaton placed his hands on her shoulders. "May, I'm mad at him too, but that doesn't mean you can hate him. He's still our friend and he was just trying to help, which is exactly what I asked him to do." "But, I still don't understand what happened, I was hoping maybe that would be karma, she's usually a b***h, so why isn't she being a b***h?" Mettaton looked her right in the eye. "Karma doesn't always strike right away darling, but trust me, she will eventually, and she will be a b***h, a real b***h," He then began walking back upstairs, before turning around for a quick second. "And by the way, it's pronounced catastrophic!"

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