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September 11th, 7:21 AM

May watched as the cast was cut and removed from her leg. Freedom! Well, sort of. She still needed crutches, a brace (which was allowed to be taken off for certain things) and physical therapy, but now, she could bend her leg, go places by herself, and most importantly: take a bath! She grabbed the crutches and hopped off of the exam table, ready to head home.

8:06 AM

May had just finished a much needed bubble bath and was now looking for art ideas. After finishing a few sketches, she heard a knock on the door. Maybe it was that package of temporary body paint she ordered a few days ago. She opened the door, then instantly slammed it shut. She knew that man. She was 11, sitting around in the backyard, when something covered her eyes and mouth. She heard talking, something about her and someone else being "pathetic babies". She was then carried to a ship, where she saw her sister, then they were both launched into space. The engineers ran out of fuel, so they were forced to stop on Earth, where she and April abandoned the ship, and still are today. Standing on the other side of the door, was one of the men behind this. May had tried to keep him out, but he managed to grab her and head out to the city. She struggled, but he stood there, and held her by the neck. She couldn't breathe. The man then pulled out a knife, placed the very tip of it on her skin, and made one long shallow cut all the way across her forehead. He then gave her some deeper wounds around her body. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break his grip. "So, you haven't changed. You're still just a weak, pathetic little baby!" May struggled to form words from the strain of his hand on her throat. "You will pay for this you fu-" "HANDS OFF THAT GIRL!!!" she was cut off when she heard a familiar voice. Mettaton saw what that man was doing to her. She was choking, and wounded. "Stay out of this!" the man warned. "Let go of my darling!" now he just laughed. "You're joking! This pathetic little baby, is your girlfriend?" Now Mettaton was furious and punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground and release May, who gasped for air, able to breathe again. He then placed one foot on the man's back. "Stay away from her, or it's your life," he threatened. The man scrambled away. Mettaton then turned to May. "May darling! What did that ungrateful prick do to you?" she just groaned in pain. Mettaton saw his fingers were covered in blood. He had accidentally placed his hand inside a giant mountain shaped wound that circled above her left hip. She needed to go to the hospital. He carried her there and sat in the waiting room while Alphys disinfected and sewed her wounds.

9:12 AM

Maddie had left for a workout session with Undyne. Cleo followed her to make sure nothing bad happened. Did she just- no! She did NOT just hear someone arm a pistol! She saw a man pointed a gun at Maddie, then revealed herself. "You harm my sister, and someone WILL die tonight!" she yelled as she held her hand out and her eyes glowed a bright blue. "Make one move, say goodbye to your sister!" the man threatened. Maddie just stood in between them, absolutely terrified. Cleo pulled her hand toward her shoulder and Maddie was dragged right into her arms, but unfortunately, not before the man fired a bullet. A direct hit. Maddie was coughing blood. He had shot one of her lungs. Cleo turned and started walking towards the hospital, holding Maddie in her arms, sheilding her from any more bullets. Another shot, this one hit Cleo's shoulder blade, but she kept going. "Cleo?" Maddie called out weakly. "Maddie! Stay with me! I'm getting help!" Another bullet was fired, it missed them entirely. Cleo could see the hospital just ahead. There was another bullet, that barely grazed her hip. "We're almost there! Just hold on for a little longer," She kept inching closer as more and more bullets were shot, none of which hit anything essential, somehow. She walked through the door. "See, Maddie? We're here," she began to cry. She took a few more steps then it all went black.

?:?? PM

Cleo saw a white blurry line between two black lines, that vanished, then came back, and again. Every time, the white line kept getting bigger until it cleared into a ceiling. She was, alive? Maddie, where was she? Cleo had to find her. She tried to get up only to find, she couldn't move. Dr. Alphys walked in and took off her gas mask. "Where's Maddie?" was the first thing Cleo wanted to know. "S-she's just across the hallway," "Is she okay?" "The operation w-was successful. She's s-still under t-the anesthesia, but she s-should be able to m-make a f-full recovery," Cleo figured the anesthesia was the reason she couldn't move, so she didn't ask. "Can I see her?" "Not yet. I'll let you know when you can," Cleo was getting tired. "Must be the medicine," she thought. Once again the world went dark.

1:24 PM

Everything was blurry. All she could remember was a needle going through the edge of one of her wounds, then the lights shut off. As it all cleared up, she saw Mettaton. She wanted to give him a huge hug. She tried lifting her arms and sitting up straight. Huh? Why was she still just laying there? And why was it so cold? "Me-Mettaton?" well she could speak, barely. Could she look around? Did she want to look around? She saw she was covered in bandages, in a hospital room, a needle was embedded into her hand--Wait! What's with the needle? "Please, take it out," Mettaton knew she was referring to the IV, but he couldn't just pull it out. Who knows what would happen if he did? "Sorry May. That's not how it works," "Then, can you, at least," she was shivering. "Of course darling," Mettaton placed his hand on her chest and used the same heat magic he did back in Monterey. May loved this. It felt like she was all bundled up in a bunch of blankets, cuddling with a bunch of animal plushies, and sipping on a nice cup of hot cocoa. Ah, so warm and toasty. She yawned. Her eyelids were getting heavy. "No, please, don't turn out the lights," she tried to stay awake. "You've had a rough day, you need your rest," Mettaton gave the magic a little boost, and May dozed off.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon