Overwhelming Silence

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2:06 PM

May had been trying to cuddle with Mettaton all day. The first time, he just got up and left. She had assumed he had something to do and her timing wasn't ideal. Attempt #2, she noticed something off. She was just trying to show him she loved him, why was he rejecting her affection? It didn't click until the 3rd try. He was mad at her? But there was no yelling or any of the sort. Why? Did he suddenly not love her anymore? No. If he didn't love her, nobody loved her! She walked up to her room and hid under the blankets.

5:48 PM

May had been drawing in her sketchbook. Drawing about how she and Mettaton had cuddled together in her warm cozy bed, but now he had suddenly left her in the cold. She was all alone. She hugged one of her pillows, trying to imagine laying on top of Mettaton's weirdly comfortable abs. Who was she kidding? That pillow wasn't Mettaton. She knew dinner would be ready soon, but she had no intention of going downstairs. Like her dad said, only decent people can have decent food. She was fine with that. Who cares if she was craving cheeseburgers? Who cares if her stomach was growling? Who cares if her ribs were visible? Who cares if it would take weeks for her to die of starvation? Who cares what happened to her if Mettaton didn't? Speaking of which, she wondered what Mettaton was thinking.

6:24 PM

The other squad members had dragged May into the kitchen to eat dinner with them. They had a good talk and the food was delicious. As of now she was very, very stuffed with cheeseburgers and fries and taking a snooze on the couch. Mettaton saw this and so badly wanted to hug her or carry her to bed, but he had to keep up the silent treatment if he really wanted May to learn a lesson. But could he at least give her a blanket?

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