Round 3 Pt. 1

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January 26th, 5:21 AM

May was sitting in her room, enjoying doing her art. She was working on a huge painting that she wanted to hang in Mettaton's living room. While she was aimlessly painting her thoughts drifted to the squad. May had been thinking about them more and more frequently. Even though she was still mad at April, she almost...just a tiny bit missed her as well, her pranks were pretty fun to watch...when they weren't directed at her. Mettaton walked in and saw her deep in thought. "I know I'm still part of the squad but, I kind of, miss living with them. Cleo was really nice, feel bad about what she's going through, shame I never got a chance to babysit. It was kind of funny to watch Maddie get frustrated over her mom tasks," Mettaton joined her in bed. "Yeah, it was always fun to watch the others get up to their shenanigans," he could picture a light bulb turning on above his head. "What if...we went to visit them," May broke into a smile.

6:18 AM

May was just getting ready to leave when realization hit. "That guy! I'm not safe at the condo! That was the reason why I moved here in the first place-" "May," Mettaton cut her off. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked. May then remembered she had something more powerful than any weapon. If she ran into that guy again, she could take him on anytime, anywhere! She turned to Mettaton and whispered something into his ear.

6:24 PM

They had devised a plan and were just about ready to leave. May reached for the knob, then turned around, walking into Mettaton's arms. "I'm gonna miss living with you guys," her eyes filled up with tears. Wait, she just realized something. If she was going to live with her sister, she would be nothing but jealous and upset. "I'll be right back," she walked into the bedroom and came back with a few papers in her hand. "I made this after after April pulled that awful prank on me. This is basically her vs me in the form of party planning," She handed Mettaton the papers. It was a chart showing what she felt was happening. Basically, it was showing that April's was 100% improvised and expected to end in failure, yet everyone still had a good time, while May had planned everything, making sure it was fun and welcoming (and not at the same time as April's), but nobody came. (Sorry guys, I tried adding the chart, but the work page wouldn't accept the link) "The sad story of my life," May began to cry. She had made this "chart" out of side by side drawings. "May, you know what I say to this?" Mettaton pulled out another paper and a pencil. "Huh," May was wondering where he was going with this.

6:27 AM

Mettaton handed May the paper he was working on. "There. I apologize if my drawing skills don't meet your standards, but I tried my best," May took a look. The sketches were quite cartoonish, but not bad in the slightest. They showed him seeing her so upset and showing everyone else that "Hey, she worked so hard on her party and nobody's there! This cannot stand!" then the line dividing the two sides of the story was cut open so they could cross it. Seeing everyone did show up, May broke into a smile and gave Mettaton a huge hug. "Hey, this is really nice. You should be a cartoonist," She folded up the paper and put it in her bag. She then felt her stomach growl. "Num nums are in the kitchen darling," Mettaton could tell she was hungry by the look on her face. May walked into the kitchen to see breakfast on the table. Nom, nom, nom, nom! So delicious. She walked back into the living room and snuggled up close to Mettaton with a "Thanks for the yum yums!" look. He pet her head. "Such a good puppy," May smiled at the comment. They cuddled for a bit before leaving for the condo.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora