Game On!

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April 12th, 2:17 PM

It was after school, and the team was on the field ready to play. All the squad members who weren't on the team, and their friends (or platonic family rather) were all in the bleachers. "Can we please not sit in the top row? There's nothing behind it and I don't want to fall," April moved the next row down next to Cleo. Paps sighed but scooted down to sit next to her anyway. Looking out at the field, Cleo asked: "What, are you afraid of heights or something?" It was obvious that April wasn't going to make eye contact with her. That was an answer in itself. Papyrus wrapped his arm around her. "YOU ONLY FELL A LITTLE BIT!" April shrugged his arm off her shoulders. "Shush! The game's starting!"

2:18 PM

Undyne and May walked up to the plate to meet the other team's coach and captain. The Umpire went over the rules and they all shook hands. The other team went out onto the field and Maddie walked close to the plate. After a few practice swings, she stepped into the batters' box and stared down the pitcher. A swing and hit! Even though it was just a ground ball to third, Maddie was so fast she got all the way to second! The Redwood Pines side of the bleachers erupted into cheering! "Whoo! Go, sis!" Cleo shouted from her seat. The cats seemed to be excited too! "An incredible performance from Anderson, next up, batter #2, May Thomas!" The announcer sounded so familiar, but who was he? It couldn't have been Mettaton, because he was in the 3rd row next to his cousin Napstablook. "Get ready to get smoked," May thought as the pitcher threw the ball. Without even risking the slightest possible chance of a strike, she sent the ball flying so high, no one could see it! Both May and Maddie dashed across the bases, scoring 2 runs for their team. Good thing the umpire left his post because the ball landed where he would've been standing. "Oh my god, the dirt ate the ball," Maddie stated, shocked and giggling. "F**k, I broke the dirt," May thought. The ball had crashed through the hard dirt and dwelled so deep you couldn't pull it out with your hand. Hopefully, that wouldn't cause an earthquake. As Ari walked up to bat next, the announcer said something about May being a powerful player. "Strike one," the umpire called out. "Strike two!" "Come on Ari, third time's the charm, please don't be our first out," May thought. With the crack of a bat, the ball went flying and Ari began running to first. Unfortunately, the ball flew straight into the pitcher's hand, resulting in an out. On the other hand, had the pitcher not caught it, she would've been knocked out. "Well, we have to have some outs, or else we'll be in the first inning forever," May thought.

3:56 PM

It was the bottom of the 9th inning, the bases were loaded, but there was no way the Lions were going to be able to catch up. The Redwoods were ahead by 9 runs and May only had to get one more batter out, and she already had 2 strikes. Perfect moment to use her secret weapon: she could throw a mean fast ball that no one could hit. In the blink of an eye, the ball flew out of her hand, so fast the batter could hardly see it, but somehow, the batter still hit and began running. May followed the ball until she tripped over her leg. Seeing the ball descending, May reflexively held her arm up and pinched the ball out of the air! The crowd went wild as the team raced over to the bleachers, where their loved ones were waiting. "May! That was incredible! I'm so proud of you!" Mettaton picked her up in excitement. May tried so hard not to laugh at how the team hat looked on him. "What? Are my loving words laughable to you?" Mettaton crossed his arms. "No, I just can't take you seriously with that hat. You look ridiculous," May took it off his head. "There's my handsome robot," she stood on her toes, but she couldn't quite get high enough to kiss him. "Eh! Can'," Mettaton threw his head down so she could accomplish what she was trying to do. "Hey, we're going to get victory ice cream!" "Who wants to join?" The twins called out as the lovebirds ended their kiss. "Go ahead, celebrate your victory with the team! I'll be waiting for you when you come home," May waved goodbye and blew him a kiss as she followed her teammates to an ice cream shop.

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