Relative Jealousy

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6:24 AM 

Mettaton could tell May did not want to wake up. It was a real shame. He missed catching her sound asleep on the couch, pencil in hand, sketchbook in her lap, sleep talk about whatever she was watching, those were the days. But now, she couldn't draw, or perform, or even stand up. She just wanted to sleep through the whole ordeal, or watch Youtube on her tablet to distract herself from it. She refused to wake up, refused to use her wheelchair, even refused to eat, which was exactly why Mettaton was here: to feed her.

 "Morning May darling," he whispered as he set up a food tray next to her bed. May buried her head under her pillow when she saw what he was doing. She then felt something gently grab the back of her neck and turn her head onto it's side. Two fingers were holding a single red grape. It looked so fresh, so shiny, so delicious and so tempting. May emerged from the pillow and saw some chocolate covered strawberries, cinnamon peaches, mangoes and red grapes. She forced herself to look away, ignoring the growl from her empty stomach. There was that same red grape from before, held right in front of her. The hand inched closer to her face and signaled for her to open her mouth. May did so and the grape was placed inside. She hid under her blankets as she swallowed that one piece of fruit. 

She ate something, but it wasn't enough to satisfy her stomach, which growled again demanding more. May sat up, took a slice of peach, lay back down, and nom. It was so delicious. How did her sister manage to grow such amazing food? Her spirits fell. Another thing her sister did that she could never do! 

Mettaton could see tears beginning to form in her eyes as she hid under the blankets again and began to cry. He asked what was wrong. "Back on my planet, I was the fugitive, literally EVERYONE hated me!"Mettaton was shocked. May? Hated? Unbelievable! 

"I had the worst parents ever! They liked April and hated me! Whenever they saw me drawing something, they would say that I was wasting time and wasting paper and that I should find something meaningful to do! I couldn't draw at home, so I would paint on random walls or use chalk in the park! Because of that, I was considered a vandal! April however, she was fluent in Spanish, she grew the most beautiful plants, she could pull off wearing the most HIDEOUS outfits you could think of, how could I compete with that?! I always heard things like 'Why can't you be more like your sister?' and 'Your sister never caused this much trouble.' Whenever someone asked my parents if I was their daughter, they would always reply and I quote 'What, the fugitive? You really think we are low enough to have raised HER?! If she WAS our daughter, we would've left her outside to die!' and sometimes, they DID leave me outside, except instead of letting me die, they'd give me enough food (which was complete garbage) to live in misery!" Now Mettaton was just mad. Who were these people? If he ever came face to face with her so called "parents", he would have words for them! Why would they do something so terrible to someone so adorable, so creative, and so beautiful? 

"Whenever other people saw me, they would turn, walk away, and/or say horrible stuff about me! But then one day April and I were stolen and sent to Earth, at first April wanted to go back but I said no and explained how miserable my life was there. We adjusted to life here, then 3 years later we met the other squad members, who then introduced us to you guys. I was excited to finally meet people who actually liked me, but no, turns out April's still better no matter where we are!" she ended her explanation, rolled onto her side, and kept crying. Mettaton dug her out from the blankets, picked her up and held her in his arms. "May, you are the most adorable, most creative, most beautiful girl I've ever met. No one could ever compete with that," she was set back down in her bed. Mettaton then wiped all of her tears away.

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