Growing Up

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January 7th, 4:58 AM

May walked into the bathroom and turned on the bathtub faucet to maximum heat. As she took off her leggings, she heard a knock. "Don't come in!" She told whoever was behind the door as she poured some bubble soap into the water. "Not coming in, just wanted to let you know I want to take you to the store at 6," "There are stores open that early?" May asked as she turned off the faucet and settled into the vat of bubbles. So warm, so relaxing.

5:42 AM

May walked out the front door, unlocked the car and buckled up patiently waiting for Mettaton. That was a little strange. She wasn't complaining about going out at sunrise, but Mettaton seemed like he was in a rush. He got into the car. "Would you stop taking my keys?" he asked as he took them from May and started the car.

5:48 AM

They walked into Office Depot and began looking around at all the supplies. You'd think it would be paradise for May since they had journals, pencils, and folders as far as the eye could see, but she was irritated because Mettaton was being so unusually strict. What was his deal?

6:24 AM

They both got into the car. "What's been with you?" Mettaton was acting really strange today. "Well, as you know, the king and queen had some construction plans," "Yeah, they're building a new high school for earthlings of all types," "Well, they finished much earlier than they expected, so we needed to get everything you would need there," "Wait, hold up! Since when do I go to school? I already have enough education to survive in the real world. I know quite a bit of science, all the math I'll ever need, a lot of human history, and what about work? Who's going to do my job? It better not be one of my idiot assistants-" "May!" Mettaton cut her off. "When our kind was underground, I went to school. You think I'd be who I am today if I didn't?" "What does being a celebrity have anything to do with school?" Mettaton looked at May with hurt in his eyes. "Is that really all you think I am? A dumb famous person!? That alone proves that you have way more to learn, and you're not as ready for the 'real world' as you think you are." "What? No! That's not what I meant! I'm sorry, it's just, movies make school seem like a minefield," "I understand why you would be nervous, but you know the movies are way more dramatic than real life. Can you please just give it a try?" May could tell that this meant a lot to Mettaton, and she had to admit it would be nice to do something other than work, even though she loved it, she knew that going to school will only make her that much better at it. "Okay," she quietly sighed, wondering what this school was going to be like, trying not to create the worst case scenarios, which was often hard. For May, there was always something to be paranoid about.

6:27 AM

Mettaton pulled over. "Alright, we're here," They both got out of the car. May began walking toward the school, then turned around and ran right into Mettaton's arms, refusing to leave them. "It's okay. You got this," He gave her a kiss on the cheek and revealed little Squishy. "I love you," and with that, she collected her stuffed puppy and walked towards the building.

6:29 AM

May walked through the crowd and saw some familiar faces. "You guys were dragged here too?" she asked. "I'm here to distract myself from my distress, and I dragged Maddie here with me," Cleo began to laugh. "You should've seen it! Maddie marched up to Stephen, grabbed his shoulders, looked him right in the eye, and she told him, and I quote: 'If I'm being dragged to school, so are you, 6-pack!' It was hilarious," May stifled a laugh at the thought of it. "As you might have guessed," "They dragged us here too," the twins were not happy about this. "I'm just here 'cause I got nothin' better to do," Ellie added. "And Papyrus is making me come here," April concluded. "Attention, all students please report to the cafeteria for schedule pick up," the speakers announced. They all walked there together.

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