A Very Sleepy Day

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September 16th, 6:24 AM

Mettaton noticed something really.... strange when he opened the door to May's bedroom. Was she, oh god, she was sleeping with the wax double of him! Seeing that was, pretty funny actually. May woke up and saw Wax Mettaton in her bed, and the real one outside the door. "Well that explains the dream," May thought as she scrambled around in bed, trying to hide the wax figure. "I couldn't sleep last night, so I was pretending that was you," she confessed. Mettaton dug the wax figure out from the blankets and put it back in the closet. He then turned to see a very tired May. She looked so, pale. He placed his hand on her forehead. Looks like her body had 3 problems at once. First, her leg was still weak from laying dormant in a cast for 3 months, second, she had several wounds that were still healing, and now to add onto that, she had to fight off a virus, which she probably had no energy for, due to a lack of food.

8:10 AM

Mettaton walked into May's room and set up a food tray next to her bed. Even though she was sick, she still looked so cute all bundled up like a little doll. He felt her forehead again. No difference. A few pets and she was awake, still very sleepy, but awake. She saw the food and tried to fall back asleep, but failed. She was too tired to resist, so when she saw a fork of hash browns hovering over her head, she took it and went back to sleep.

8:43 AM

Mettaton heard May shout in terror. He immediately ran into her room and saw her thrashing around in bed, crying. A fever dream. May was sitting on a rock in the ocean, being circled by a shark. She felt the waves crashing and paid very close attention to the fin. Not good! It went under. She was dragged into the water, where she saw teeth. She closed her eyes and braced herself for a bite. Huh? Why didn't she feel any pain? She opened her eyes. She wasn't in the ocean, but on her knees next to her bed. She looked around for a bit and saw Mettaton. She climbed back into her bed and bundled herself back up. She was shaking. "I'm sorry. I know. You told me not to watch The Shallows last night, and I did it anyway," Mettaton climbed onto the bed right next to her. She then snuggled up close to him, still shaking. He adjusted the blankets bundling her up even more. Her face was still pale, and she was still so sleepy. Mettaton set her head on a pillow and watched her fall asleep.

9:18 AM

Mettaton checked on May again. She was sound asleep. The color on her face was starting to return, and her fever seemed to be going down a little. "Make him walk the plank," sleep talk. She would definitely be the cutest pirate on the high seas. Mettaton left a treasure for her to find when she woke up: a bottle of grape Gatorade to help her get better.

11:57 AM

Mettaton opened the door a crack and peeked into May's room. "Land ho!" he saw May had found the treasure he left for her. "Drop the anchor!" He didn't think he would be able to take May seriously as captain, she was just too adorable!

2:14 PM

Mettaton had actually gotten May to eat lunch. She thought he had left and went back to her pirate dream, but really, he was standing behind the door listening to her sleep talk. "Ye right, Crocbeard! There be others in these waters!" He knew he shouldn't be watching her sleep, but he just couldn't resist, she looked so cute!

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