Not So Scaredy Cat

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12:26 PM

It was time for lunch and all the squad members had gathered on the bleachers. "Why are they called bleachers? They're not bleached are they?" May was interrupted when she heard thunder. Obviously, it was someone trying to mess with her, since 1. It was sunny out here, and 2. Thunder is nowhere near that loud! "Aren't you going to hide little scaredy-cat?" A boy with dreadlocks and dark skin taunted, with 2 other boys with black edgy hair backing him up. "Hey! For your information, cats are very brave creatures!" Maddie walked down the bleachers and up to them. Cleo began to worry. "Maddie, come back here, they're not worth it," Maddie turned around. "They just insulted my entire species! They need to be punished!" One of the boys walked up to her, she grabbed him and threw him on the ground where the cement met the grass. The other two met the same fate he did. A whistle stopped the chaos before Maddie could finish them off. "Alright punks! Break it up!" There was the gym teacher, or one of them: Undyne. The boys got up and left. "Saw the whole thing. I appreciate that you're standing up, but that was not the answer. Detention, after school, with me!" Undyne then walked off, probably to find someone else to punish. Maddie then walked back up the bleachers and joined the rest of the squad. "Maddie, I'm glad you were standing up, and I know it was for the right reason, but you did the wrong thing. House arrest for the rest of the school week, young lady!" "Great, the second day and I already got myself into trouble,"

2:17 PM

"So, how was your day?" Mettaton asked as he started the car. "Better, we took a rather easy test in math so the teacher could see what we needed to work on. And it was a pleasure to watch Maddie throw the boys who were bullying me over her shoulders. Sure she got detention, but I think all the other students will be bowing to her tomorrow," Mettaton didn't know how to feel about that. "Well, I'm glad you had a good day," the rest of the car ride was silent.

6:03 PM

May was on the couch, browsing Aidem on her tablet. "Ha, I have more followers than April," she thought. She kept browsing, looking for anything new when she heard her stomach growl. "Sounds like someone's hungry," seemed like Mettaton had timed dinner perfectly. He set a bowl of mac n' cheese with cut up hot dogs and bacon bits, on the coffee table. May picked up the spoon, then heard thunder from outside and set it back down in the bowl. Lightning and she buried her face in Mettaton's chest. It had been a while since the last time she had done this, and if he was being honest with himself, he kind of missed it. "I know, it seems stupid to be afraid of a type of weather, but it's not the thunder itself that's scary. It brings back so many awful memories, of my childhood, of my parents, of the planet, whenever there's a thunderstorm, I'm scared that something bad is gonna happen," tears were falling. Mettaton held May in his arms and sat down on the couch. "As long as I'm alive, as long as I'm with you, I promise, no harm will come to you," He held her head in his hands and wiped away her tears.

6:07 PM

Mettaton had his arm wrapped around May's shoulders, holding a spoonful of mac n' cheese. "Come on," May turned her head away. Mettaton figured she thought something bad would happen if she ate the pasta. Maybe he could model it for her, show her it's perfectly safe, but how? He got up, set the spoon down, walked into the kitchen and came back with another spoon. Rejoining May on the couch, he picked up a small amount of pasta with his spoon and took a bite. "See? Nothing to be afraid of," he set the spoon down on the counter, picked up the other laying in the bowl, and brought it up to May's mouth. She obediently took a bite. "That's it," she was fed another spoonful and another. "There you go," Mettaton set the spoon down in the bowl, wanting to see if May would finish on her own. She picked up the spoon. Nom, nom. She took a few more bites and snuggled up close to Mettaton. He wrapped one arm around her chest, the other resting on the arm of the couch, acting as a pillow for May's little head. Her eyes were closed, but she didn't seem to be fully asleep. All of a sudden, she just, twitched. Again, this one was accompanied by a little high pitched hm. Could it be? May had hiccups and really adorable ones at that. Well, to Mettaton, just about everything May did was adorable. "You adorable little one," He kissed her forehead and gave her a little hug.

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