Guys and Their Cars

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November 25th, 6:17 AM

May and Mettaton were outside the condo, leaving for work. May began walking like they normally would. "Hey, come back here," May turned around. "The hotel's really close, but if you love your car that much," she reached for the shotgun door. "Ah!" He grabbed her arm and held out the keys. "You're behind the wheel," May was freaked out. "Are you crazy?! I haven't even the slightest clue how to drive! Do you want me in jail?!" Mettaton wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a reassuring look. "I set up your permit and everything, and I'll teach you everything I know," And with that, they entered the car. "Okay, so we have the ignition, radio, horn, which pedals are which?" May asked. "The brake is in the middle and the gas is on the right," But there were 3 pedals. "What's on the left?" "That's the clutch, which we aren't going to use today," May was handed the keys. She then started the car. Without waiting for further instructions, she moved the gearshift to reverse and allowed the car to leave the driveway. "Turn right," May cautiously spun the wheel, afraid of hitting something. She then switched the gear to drive. "Why'd you stop?" Mettaton asked. "There's a really adorable chihuahua in the street!" "It's all the way over there!" the dog walked away and May continued onto the hotel.

6:19 AM

May opened the door, got out of the car, and dashed right into the hotel. Mettaton sighed and followed her inside. He both loved and hated May as an employee. One one side, she made great renovations, had the best taste of design, and was a committed worker, but on the other hand, she acted like the opposite of herself, she was very serious, throwing chairs out of the way, pushing tables against walls, all with a straight face. It almost made him want to fire her.

3:21 PM

May left the hotel and began to walk home. "Hey, aren't you going to come home with me?" May kept walking. "Not if you're going to make me drive!" "You did a really great job for a first timer!" Mettaton called out. He then got into his car and drove up to May. She climbed in and buckled up. She seemed to be lacking energy. Mettaton gave her a bag of food from the hotel. "May darling, how many times do I have to tell you to take a lunch break?! You can't do your best work if you don't eat!" "1. I'm always way too focused on my work to even think about food, and 2. you always say I'm little, and I thought you would like it if I stayed like that. Plus I already weigh 74 lbs, so I must be really hard for you to pick up," Mettaton slammed on the brake. "Nonsense! You're light as a feather," It was true. She was very tiny and easy to carry. "Well I won't have any rumbling bellies in my car," "Fine," May pulled out a Glamburger and took a bite. Was that bacon? Delicious! What else was in the bag? She saw a Starfait and some fries.

6:34 PM

April walked into the kitchen expecting Paps to be making dinner, but he was nowhere to be seen! "Maybe I just missed him," but there was no food on the table! She opened the fridge hoping to find some leftovers, no luck. "He's probably driving around in his car again," April walked outside and saw a red Mustang in the driveway. "So he's home," she walked closer and saw red boots sticking out from under the car. "Hey, Papy. What'cha doin'? Shouldn't you be in the kitchen?" she asked. "I WOULD BE, BUT I NEED TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING AND SOMEONE HAS SABOTAGED MY CAR!" Now April was mad at herself. She was the culprit! She had tampered with his car in hopes he would just walk or take the subway instead. Also, the day before, messing up Mettaton's voice wasn't enough, she still had the urge to cause mischief. She walked back inside. "Note to self: don't mess with a man's car," she thought before turning on the TV. "Yo soy un idiota," this was the second time she messed with his car. Last week, she poked a hole in all 4 tires. This time, she messed around with the stuff under the car. "I'm great at playing actual cards, you'd think I'd be an equally good gambler at life," she thought to herself.

7:28 PM

April walked into the kitchen. This time, there was dinner on the table. Just as she expected, Papyrus cooked spaghetti. In an attempt to pace herself, instead of getting a regular fork, she grabbed one of those tiny forks that were supposed to be used for lobsters. "I'm surprised we even have these, none of us eat seafood," she thought. She then dished up a large bowl of spaghetti and walked back into the living room. She browsed the movie selection for a bit. "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Perfect," she thought as she fed the disk to the Blu-ray player. She was about to take --compared to what she was used to-- a very tiny bite when she saw a wilted plant in the window. "Aw, you poor thing. Here, let me help you," she held the plant's leaves between her fingers and watched as it perked up, its leaves turning green. "There you go little one," She then walked back over to the couch and continued watching the movie.

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