When It Rains, It Pours

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May 11th, 7:14 AM

It was a bright sunny morning, perfect weather to have some fun outside. May was in the huge driveway doing just that. After a bit of rollerskating, she looked for something else to do in the storage closet. Something caught her eye. "Basketball," she ran outside and found a basketball hoop just across the street! Should she change her shoes though?... Nah, if she could run, dance and rollerskate in her 7-inch clunky boots, she could definitely play basketball in them.

7:18 AM

May was making every single throw, it was so easy! Too easy. She set the hoop to its maximum height and jumped as high as she could while shooting the ball. The ball made it through nothing but net, however, poor May wasn't able to land on her feet, and some rocks were in very unfortunate places. "F**k!" she braced herself for getting crushed by the red mustang headed her way, but it stopped right in front of her before slowly backing out of sight. The pain didn't hit until the car was gone. Tears filled her eyes, but before they were shed, someone picked her up. "What happened?" She had road rash on all 4 limbs, scratches here and there, and the still healing wound on her stomach was split open.

7:26 AM

May explained the whole thing to Mettaton as he tended to her wounds. "...and then Papyrus comes by in his Mustang and nearly runs me over!" How did she know it was Papyrus? A, not many owned red mustangs, B, who else would be driving down their street, and C, he was slowly backing away as if he was saying "nothing to see here,". Sure, it was most likely by accident, but she was still mad at Papyrus. Those thoughts were interrupted when May felt a square, cotton, bandage thingy, dig into her arm, making it hurt more. Mettaton could see her cry and began working faster. Once he was finished, he pulled her into his arms. "Shhhhh, Metta's here,"

7:42 AM

Since Papyrus had disappeared, May had decided to make breakfast. Mini pancakes and peppermint mochas for everyone...not! Just May getting hurt again. This time, she was trying to pull out the griddle, but it was stuck, and when she finally got it, everything else fell out with it. She just wanted breakfast, but she got bruises to put on ice instead.

8:03 AM

May was just drawing in her sketchbook at a table in the backyard when out of nowhere, a hornet hive fell and she had become the target of their rage. Dr. Mettaton to the rescue again.

3:57 PM

The whole day had just been accident after accident after accident. From tripping into the stairs face first, to spilling a hot peppermint mocha on her leg. The only place safe from any mishaps was in Mettaton's arms. Since doing literally anything else resulted in getting hurt, May was just cuddling with him on the couch. "I'm sorry May, I promised you would be safe from any harm as long as I'm with you, but clearly I suck ass at keeping promises," May snuggled up closer. "F**k promises, I still love you," April walked in. When they both went into defensive mode, they just stared at each other. Who needed to protect who? "Just going out, May, feel free to come with," May tried to get up, but Mettaton grabbed her wrist. "Oh no. May, you've done nothing but get into accidents all day! You're staying here where it's safe," there was no way he would let May go out with her insane sister, especially if she was unable to do anything by herself without getting hurt. Sure today might have just not been her day, but still.

6:21 PM

May had been rewatching Voltron with Mettaton and all the other squad members. They all just came flooding in, even April, who had just returned. It was very crowded, but they managed the best they could. "Why do we have a couch made for 3 maybe 4 people in a house of at least 11?" Maddie asked. "Well we're not usually all in here at once," Ellie replied. "Petition to get a bigger couch?" "So no one has to sit on the floor?" The twins suggested. "I approve. This is a good excuse to renovate the living room. I've been wanting to paint the walls forever. I'm sick of this white. In fact, let's do the whole house! These walls need color!" May wondered why she was just saying this now. She had lived here for almost 2 years now! "We're not letting May dictate this whole thing, right?" That earned April a look. "I wasn't going to, and I'm not planning on getting rid of the furniture we already have, just rearranging it, maybe some new stuff, the only things set in stone are colored walls and a bigger couch. But I don't want to just get rid of this one, I want to figure out something else we can do with it," "Okay, we can renovate the condo, but not until Jimena comes back for the summer. She deserves to see this one last time before we change anything," Cleo didn't want her friend to come back to tarps and boxes.

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