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December 28th, 1:26 PM

Proud to be free from any competition, May marched through the mall with her sweet treat look, large leather bag over her shoulder, and blowing bubbles with gum in that sassy way.  She in no way felt bad, in fact, she couldn't be happier about April being in jail. After being the favorite child, being much more skilled despite not putting in an ounce of effort, and earning more praise for her look despite her hideous taste of fashion, she was pure evil, she deserved to be arrested. Now that April was out of the picture, May could earn all the praise for her looks, be recognized for her skills, and be the fan favorite!

1:28 PM

Mettaton had tricked May into thinking he was charging when she left, and he was now at the mall looking for her. That bow she was wearing, had a tracking device on it. After she fled to Hotland, Mettaton didn't want her running off anywhere else, so he had Alphys install a tracker into a bow, that would be linked to him so he could always find her. As of now, that tracker was telling him that she was close. "At the Color Me Mine, huh?" he thought as he turned around. There was May, in the center of the shop, painting a mug with a beautiful design. A black background with pink and purple fireworks. He knew better than to interrupt a working artist, so he waited until she handed her masterpiece to one of the staff so it could go in the kiln before he made his move.

1:34 PM

May headed out of the pottery place and began walking off to another store. Just before she could step into Brookstone, she felt something on her shoulders. Mettaton pulled her back towards him and wrapped his arms around her chest. "There you are sugar packet," he walked out to the car, bringing May with him. "May, what were you thinking? It's not safe for you to be out in public, especially alone!"  He turned the key and backed out of the parking lot. "I was just celebrating the downfall of my worst enemy, or, one of them," Her eyes filled with tears. "It's not fair! She always had the edge in everything! No matter how hard I try, no matter how much effort I put in, I'm never able to match her natural talent! I spend hours a day trying to perfect my skills, and I still can't do anything nearly as well as she does without lifting a finger!" berry blue mascara was streaming down her cheeks.

1:36 PM

Mettaton parked in the driveway and wrapped his arms around May. "Do you have any idea, how many people wish they could draw as well as you?" he asked. "But that's not a natural talent. I can prove it," She dug two papers out of her bag. "This is a drawing from my childhood. Yes, one of them somehow survived. And this is a drawing from 2 weeks ago," As a kid, May would draw many things, but her main focus was a family of birds. (that's why she made herself a birdcage and a birds nest) The one from her childhood was more cartoonish and showed two adult birds nuzzling one chick with their beaks while holding another with the very tip of their wings. The one from 2 weeks ago, however, was incredibly realistic and displayed two adult birds nuzzling their newly hatched chick with their beaks, completely ignoring the cracked and shaking egg. "I was such a naive kid. The first drawing is from when I was 7 or maybe 8, shortly before I found out the truth. I knew that they liked her more, but I thought it was because she had already earned their love, and I just hadn't yet, but then I learned, that they never liked me, and they never would," More tears began to fall.

1:38 PM

Mettaton pulled out a face wipe and began cleaning up May's running mascara. They were on the couch watching a movie together. May began to shiver. It didn't snow here, but it was still cold. After Mettaton was finished, he gave her a dose of heat magic. "I love you," May whispered as she snuggled up close to him. "Love you too, darling," Mettaton wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap. The sound of thunder filled the room and May began to shake and whimper. "Shhhhh. I'm here. It's okay," Mettaton held the scared little May tight and gave her another dose of soothing heat magic. She could barely keep her tiny little eyes open.

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