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August 14th, 8:02 AM,

May had been waiting, and now, today's the day! She and Mettaton were at the hospital waiting for this special moment. Alphys called them in.

8:27 AM

After reviewing x-rays and other various tests, Alphys pulled out a rotating saw, which cut through the material with ease. May slipped her arm out and smiled. Her hand was free! Sure, she had to wear a brace while her muscles regained their strength, but it was free!

8:39 AM

May was drawing in her Sketchbook while watching Coco, when April walked in. "Hey, does this picture look good or am I a little rusty?" May turned her sketchbook around and showed a picture of the two of them and their boyfriends. "Still got it," April replied. She then noticed what was playing on the TV.

"I'll just go hop on over, you won't even know I'm gone!"

That was Hectór, from Coco, her favorite movie! "You're watching this without me?!" April joined May on the couch.  "Come on, you've seen it like a bajillion times, not like you're missing anything," May replied as she started another drawing. Something then rang in her mind. "Agh, I completely forgot! The twins' birthday's coming up in 2 weeks, and I still haven't made their gift, and I am still tied to a wheelchair, so I physically can't--" "May!" April interrupted. "You can just draw what you were going to make, and ask someone to do it for you," 

11:49 AM,

Cleo set her babies in their cribs and walked back up to the living room, unsure what she should do. The kitchen door opened. "Cleo, a little, help," Maddie was covered from head to toe in baby food. She walked in and saw the babies in high chairs, also covered in baby food. "I've tried everything! Airplane, train tracks, I even tried it myself. Nothing's working," Cleo saw a bowl laying on the counter. "And what's this concoction you've got here?" she asked. "I heard homemade baby food was cheaper and healthier, so I found a recipe and decided to try it out. These are supposed to be peaches," Cleo had no comment on how it looked. She wouldn't want to eat that either.  "It's really bad, isn't it?" Maddie asked. Cleo couldn't lie to her sis. "Yeah, well, why don't you get yourself cleaned up, and I'll feed them something else. We can see if Beverly can find a good recipe for baby food," Maddie liked that idea.

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