Buying Knowledge

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January 17th, 8:29 PM

"May, I did not say you could just grab everything you think is pretty. Pick 2 and put the rest of them back," Mettaton was out shopping with May. When she finally decided on 2 items, she walked off to return the rest, only to come back with more items. "What did I just say?" May walked off to put her gatherings back. When she returned, she was holding a few more items. Mettaton was losing his patience. "May, darling, I love you but sometimes you can be a bit...frustrating," Without saying a word May walked away to put the items back.

8:43 PM

May was acting more childish than usual, and Mettaton found it concerning. Why? Maybe it was "How much coffee have you had today?" he asked. May chuckled nervously. "2 cups," That was a lie. "May," "Well, I had a cup this morning, then a cup of iced coffee before practice, another after, and one before we left," Mystery solved. "That's it, young lady, you just lost your coffee privileges," Mettaton dragged her over to the checkout. May began to worry. No coffee? How was she supposed to function throughout the day without a peppermint mocha in the morning? "What? You can't tell me not to drink certain things! Coffee is the reason why I'm always the 1st kid in class to finish my work and always able to get all my homework done in class! It also allows me to pay way more attention than I let on, do you think I'd have any As on my records so far if I didn't have coffee?!" Mettaton wasn't surprised that she had a list of excuses at the ready. "You get your work done, and have good grades cause you're a good student and a hard worker May, coffee has nothing to do with it. We're not fighting over this. You're cut off from coffee and that's that." It took all of his willpower to not turn around and say sorry for being so harsh. He could feel May standing next to him looking up at him shocked. But if this was going to work, he needed to really pull this off. May stood there arms crossed over her chest, rage and anger building up inside her. She waited for them to pay for their items and for them to be in the car before she blew up. "I don't know where you get off thinking you can tell me what to do! You're treating me like a child!" Mettaton knew she was going to say that and had his response ready. "Well, when you act like one all the time, what do you expect?!" He could tell that took her by surprise, the look on her face was almost comical! Again, it took a lot of willpower to not break character. May sat back in the chair, looking out the window. "Do you really think that? Is it really all the time I act like a child? Exactly how many times have you complained about me being wound up too tight at work?" He did not see that coming...Damn, that was a good point. "You got me there, but think about me, I work all day, make sure you have a ride to and from school, I get home and then I feel like I'm catering on you hand and foot." He had to say this just right. Mettaton turned to look at May. "Don't get me wrong I love helping in in every way possible. But sometimes...I need help too." Surprisingly, this didn't seem to hit May very hard. "I'm...fully aware of the things you do for me. Do you think that I don't feel bad for not doing anything in return? I have no idea how I'm supposed to return that! That's why I try so hard to impress you. All those performances, those videos I make, the stuff I draw, I'm just trying to make you proud of me," Mettaton held May's hand "I am so proud of everything that you do! You constantly impress and surprise me darling! But me being proud of you has nothing to do with you acting childish. Like in the store you could tell I was stressed but you were just focused on what you wanted to buy. That was frustrating," May could feel guilt crawl down her spine. She leaned against Mettaton and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I was being stupid,"

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