Dancing With Wings

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February 14th, 6:21 PM

"Come on come on come on! We're gonna be late!" Maddie was the first one to be ready, and she was getting very impatient! "Just a few more minutes," Cleo called out. "You've been saying that for the last half hour!" April walked downstairs in her dress. "Would it make you feel better if you weren't the only one waiting?" Maddie nodded.

6:27 PM

Papyrus, Mettaton, and Stephen had all arrived at the condo. Maddie gasped. "Steve you look so handsome in that tux!!" She gave him a hug. When April saw Paps, she just stared in awe. "My knight in shining linen," in a little bit, everyone was ready, everyone except, "May, of course, she is the last one!" As soon as April said that, they all heard heels clacking. A princess walked down the stairs ever so gracefully, in a dress with no straps, covered with rubies, with a very frilly, very sparkly skirt, with it, were beautiful large feather wings, like those of an angel, except pink, in her hair, was the pearl headband, with the matching earrings and those shoes, were silver diamond platform wedges, 10 inches high, they had to be, or else they'd be hidden! Mettaton was immediately brought down to his knees. "I'm not worthy to be in the presence of such a gorgeous angel!" May giggled at his reaction. "Well if I'm an angel, then you must be God," He was wearing the most handsome black tuxedo with the tie she made for him, and black stilettos. As she approached him, he stood back up.

6:34 PM

"Oh, it's the song I requested! Paps, dancefloor, now," April dragged Papyrus over to the dancefloor as a Spanish love song played. "Come on," Mettaton began dragging May to the dancefloor. "I can't dance latin!" Mettaton rolled his eyes, "Even if you think that you are such a great dancer, you'll pick it up in no time and you're so graceful, no one would even notice!" That made May blush, and before she could try and muster up another lame excuse Mettaton was swirling her around the dance floor. Sure, her long hair had messed up the spin a few times, but other than that, she was a natural! How fitting that she was wearing wings, because on the dancefloor, she sure knew how to fly!

6:39 PM

"Hey, there are others at this dance! Let them have Red Vines too," Maddie had caught both May and April with handfuls of Red Vines, before taking half of them from both, then splitting them with Stephen. Seeing that, both Mettaton and Papyrus smiled before they saw a girl with very light blonde hair and seemingly fake tan. "Um, hi," they were both puzzled. "Hola Papy," April had just walked right in, hooked her good arm around Pap's and walked away with Papyrus in tow. When she returned to May, she saw her just staring. After a bit of stammering, she managed to say "Did I really just see that?" That was done way too casually to be real! While staring dumbfounded at her sister, May realized that Bella and Mettaton were now alone. Her gut reaction was to go over and put her super strength to good use, but when she saw how annoyed and grossed out Mettaton was by how annoying Bella was being, she realized that she had nothing to fear, and no reason to cause unnecessary drama. As soon as she came to that conclusion to stay where she was and watch what happened, Mettaton shot May a "save me" look. That had May laughing. She heard giggling from behind her and saw Paps and April laughing at Bella's poor excuse of flirting as well. After enjoying Mettaton's misery from afar, May figured she should help the poor guy out. Using her best catwalk, she made her way over the pair and slid her arm into the crook of Mettaton's elbow, and gave Bella her 1000 watt smile. Bella stared at May, most likely waiting for her to do something horrible to her, but May just turned her back on her and started up a conversation with Mettaton, who was smiling at her just as big. They both heard Bella make a dramatic scoff and click away in her ugly lizard skin kitten heels. Mettaton gave May a small kiss on her nose. "You handled that very well my darling. When I saw you walking over I was worried you were going to pummel her." That made May laugh out loud. "The thought crossed my mind." Now it was Mettaton's turn to let out a laugh. "Come on, lets dance!"

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