Sugar High

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2:13 PM

Mettaton felt like an idiot. How could he forget to charge again? And where was May? He looked around. Next to the bed, May was on her knees, shivering. Mettaton pulled her up and into his lap. She was still shivering. May banged on the door, tried to pry it open, even used a battering ram. The door didn't budge. It was so so cold, and there was probably no one coming to save her. She fell to the floor, and some of the frost fell off her arms. The world spun, blurred, then eventually faded to black.

2:14 PM

When the lights came back on, she was back in her room. Now she remembered what happened. She must've slept through Mettaton's recharge. "Bad dream?" asked a voice from above her. She looked to see she was wrapped in arms. Tears began to fill up her eyes as she buried her face in Mettaton's chest. "They locked me in a freezer!" Mettaton pet her head. The poor thing had gone through so much in the last 4 months. "I don't deserve you. You've rescued me, kept me warm, carried me, calmed me, and all I've done is plug you in. I don't know if you even want me anymore," What was May saying? Of course he loved her! "May, none of that is true in any way! Would I have carried you to the hospital if I didn't love you?" May kept crying. "Well probably!" That was true. Just about anyone would do that. "Would I have taken care of you when you got sick?" she pulled her head away and Mettaton started wiping away her tears. "I suppose not," she replied. "May, you're the reason I get up at 4 am and stand in the mirror until my makeup is absolutely perfect. All of your videos always make me smile and laugh. Whenever you perform on stage, you make the angels jealous of your voice. Your art is so amazing, it needs its own museum for the people to admire. When you got hurt, it gave me a scar because all that was taken away from me. If the rest of your planet couldn't see that, well they must be real blind, cause it was as clear as hell," that last one got May to giggle. There was one thing he left out, but only because he didn't want her to know. He had to keep the sleep talk a secret, cause he was afraid that if she knew, it probably wasn't going to happen anymore. His thoughts were interrupted when his eyes shifted over to May. He had gotten her to stop crying, but there was no way he'd let her go back downstairs looking like that. Her makeup had been completely messed up. No problem. That was an easy fix.

2:15 PM

Mettaton grabbed a face wipe and started taking off May's makeup. Oh wow. He wasn't expecting so, much of it. Underneath all that foundation, her skin looked all white and rosy. Why was she hiding that? It looked so pretty. He couldn't believe he had never seen it before. Well, May would certainly be in for a surprise when he was done.

2:31 PM

Mettaton put on a few finishing touches, then turned May around to face the mirror. She was speechless! She didn't know how to feel. No foundation? Natural looking eyeshadow? Lip gloss? She couldn't even recognize her own face! It was just so much to take in!

2:34 PM

May hopped down the stairs and saw April browsing the food cabinets. "Where's Papyrus?" she asked. "He just went up to go check on you two," April replied as May hopped over to her. "What are you looking for?" she asked. "I don't know what I want for a snack," May's eyes locked onto an unopened bag of mini marshmallows. Before April realized that May was standing behind her, she snatched the marshmallows and hopped away!

2:37 PM

Mettaton walked down the stairs and into the living room. "Hey, Mettaton! Look!" May was laying on the piano, doing the best seductive pose she could. "I'm you!" Mettaton couldn't help but laugh. That was something he liked to do. May giggled with him as she popped another mini marshmallow into her mouth. Mettaton knew May was a sucker for marshmallows, but there were 2 reasons why he didn't give her those. 1. She needed actual meals, and 2. Oh. Oh no. He knew that bag was unopened, and now there was only 1/4 of them left. "She's going to hate me for this," he thought as he took the marshmallows away. She gave him puppy dog eyes. His weakness! They were so cute! He forced himself to look away. May just giggled and hopped over to the couch. Mettaton walked into the kitchen and put the marshmallows away. When he came back into the living room, May was dressed as a Temmie, in a sea of Temmies! "h0i!" May greeted in a high pitched voice, then giggled again. "What's going on here?" Mettaton asked. "tEm Sh0 uP aT d00r!" More giggles. He had to admit, she'd fit right in with the Temmies, and those giggles were so adorable, but this was something he had absolutely no idea how to deal with: a sugar high! All the Temmies swarmed around him, saying "h0i!" over and over and over. "b0i mEtAtUn," she waved, then grabbed her crutches and went out the front door. Not good!

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें