Stress Flu

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March 22nd, 8:02 PM

May was backstage, her head hanging over the sink. She had done a good job at hiding this all week! She wasn't sure what was wrong, but she told herself it was a bug that would eventually go away. If she was caught throwing up now, millions of fans would be disappointed! Well, 'millions' might be an exaggeration, but still! While on stage, she was feeling those pains again, but she still performed flawlessly. "Next we were moving on and he was with me, yeah me,"

8:06 PM

The second she was off the stage, May ran back into her dressing room, Mettaton and April following her. "I knew she was acting strange," April thought. Mettaton wrapped his arm around May's shoulders. "May, is this why you haven't been talking to me all week?" She looked up and nodded, ashamed. "Why would you hide something like this?" May looked him in the eye. "I thought it was a bug that would just go away without anyone else needing to be concerned," April came back, Alphys with her. "What? I'm fine! This isn't necessary," Mettaton grabbed her wrist before she could even take one step. "You just threw up and you're burning! Clearly, you are not fine and this is necessary!" He hesitantly handed May over to Alphys.

8:17 PM

Mettaton had taken May home and tucked her into bed. "Here, take the medicine, I poured it out for you." May turned away, hiding under the covers "Nu!" Mettaton shook his head silently...and then he had an idea. "I need to make a call, when I get back, you will get a good surprise if you take the medicine." Before May could protest Mettaton walked out of the room, already calling Paps. "Hey, I need a favor. Can you cover at the hotel for me tomorrow? May is really sick and I need to take care of her," "OF COURSE! ANYTHING FOR YOU METTATON! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus hung up. "Um...okay..." Mettaton thought before walking back into May's room to check on her. He saw a disgusted look on her face and an empty plastic cup on her nightstand. He handed her a cup of water. May took a big gulp, but the awful taste was still there. Another gulp, now it was gone. "So what surprise did you have in mind?" Mettaton didn't even bother wasting his lips on words. After a few seconds, he pulled away and guided May's head back to the pillow. "I'll be right back, I just need to get a few things. Try and get some rest,"

8:21 PM

When Mettaton came back, he saw May wasn't in bed. He walked back downstairs. Before May could touch the doorknob, he grabbed her wrist. "And just where do you think you're going?" "I wanted to see the other squad members' performances. They saw me perform, it'd be rude if I didn't see them perform and agh, dammit, I should've worn these wings on stage!" May was beginning to stress out again, which made Mettaton worry. "You can do both of those just about any night. Right now you're too sick to fly, so back to your nest darling," he escorted May back upstairs and tucked her back into bed. May was very confused as to why a washcloth was being placed on her forehead. "This will help reduce your fever," Mettaton explained as he picked up a thermometer. Alphys had taken her temperature during her checkup. It was an unusually high 114.7, sure mytes were used to higher temperatures than humans, but that was still really bad. Mettaton wanted to take it again to see if her fever had gone down at all. "109.2, you're getting so much better already," Damn, that medicine worked fast! "Sit up, I don't believe you'll be able to sleep comfortably with those on," May did so and Mettaton undid the velcro around her waist, taking off the wings. "There, now get some rest. Ring the bell if you need anything,"

10:34 PM

"Where is that bucket?" May was feeling pains again. She didn't have time to keep looking, so she ran into the bathroom, barely reaching the sink. After a coughing fit, May looked in the mirror. "Ugh, I look so gross!" May splashed water on her face but gave up trying to look any better. She guessed it was fitting that her outsides looked how her insides felt. Mettaton walked up behind her, putting his hand on her shoulder. " ok?" May could barely keep her head up and rested it on the sink. "What do you think?" She didn't mean to sound so rude, but it took too much effort to be nice right now. Thankfully Mettaton laughed and gave her a little massage. he could feel how tense she was. "I have something that I know will help you feel better!" May kept her head down not bothering to see where he went. "If you're going to try and make me eat, forget it." Right when she finished saying that, she heard the water for the bath turn on, the amazing smells of her bubble bath soap filled the room. She had enough energy to turn her head to see Mettaton filling the bathtub with water and the soap. She smiled at how thoughtful he is. "Not food darling, just a bath." Mettaton picked her up and set her down by the tub. "I'll leave you to enjoy yourself." May looked up at him and tried her best to smile. "You are so sweet to me Mettaton, thank you so much for taking care of me." Mettaton kissed her forehead. "Not a problem May, but don't thank me yet, when you're done with your bath, it's dinner time." May groaned, but still smiled as he walked away to let her have some privacy.

11:18 PM

The heat made May a little dizzy. She had to get out. After rinsing off and draining the water, she threw on a royal blue nightgown and walked downstairs. "So nice of you to finally join me." Mettaton said dryly from the couch. Without a word leaving her mouth, May lay down, falling asleep on him. "Hey, I know you're tired, but you need to eat something before you can sleep," He pet her head to keep her awake. "Why? I don't wanna throw up again," Even when she was sick, she just never gave up the excuses. "May, what you just said, translated into a language you understand, is like saying there's no point in taking a bath if you're just going to get dirty again. Plus, I'm sure you feel better after soaking for a while," he did have a point there. "Yeah, I do feel a little better," she snuggled up close to Mettaton, her eyelids getting heavy. "As cute as you look when you're asleep, you still need to eat something," After a little bit of cuddling, Mettaton was able to get May to eat. He then carried her up to bed and tucked her in. As he turned toward the door, he felt something squeeze him tight, really tight. "I love you," May whispered. "I love you too," his voice was strained. May then realized what she was doing and let go of him. "I'm sorry," she hid under the blankets, shaking. "Aw May, you don't have to feel bad. You know I love you, and sometimes, love hurts," He pet her reassuringly. "Well yeah, love hurts! It hurts me that you get crushed every time I hug you!" Mettaton dug her out of the blankets and wrapped his arms around her. "Darling, I don't care if I get hurt, I still love you. Now, sweet dreams and get well soon, I'll see you in the morning," He kissed her forehead then left.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora