Old Friends

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March 4th, 7:16 AM

April was in English class, the teacher was taking attendance. "Imagine how May would react if she found out she was missing a school day. She'd be like 'Are you serious?! Now my perfect attendance is ruined!' They only count perfect attendance for senior year," April giggled at the thought when the teacher called her name. "Here!" Dr. McNeil was surprised not to hear a response when she called May's name. April looked down. "She's in a coma, car crash, when she comes back, don't tell her she missed a school day," her bad mood turned into a good mood when she heard some familiar names. She turned to see the girls she met in jail sitting at the desks in the back of the classroom.

9:24 AM

April met up with Renia and Giselle (That's what she asked to be referred to as) and talked for a bit, catching up. Apparently, the 2 had been released over the weekend. Unfortunately, they weren't able to tell her due to not having each others' numbers (because they don't allow phones behind bars) and they had a moment of silence for May. Giselle suggested that maybe they and their boyfriends could go on a double date. "Yeah, about that, my boyfriend's not exactly a bad boy. He thinks he's the coolest guy in the world and we all just go along with it because no one wants to tell him he's not. Well, he kind of is. He stole my heart, and he makes the universe's most addictive food. I cannot stress how often I bite off more than I can chew," it was possible April went on for a little too long. "So how did you two get together?" Renia asked. "We got together the day I found out he spoke Spanish. If you saw what we were like together, you would never think we're lovers, but we get all romantic in Spanish. Do you guys play cards?" April fanned out a deck. "Yes, but we don't exactly have time right now," Made sense. The break ended at 9:35, but there was one thing they did have time for. "Numbers, we need each other's numbers," A brief exchange, and they disbanded. April's phone chimed. Giselle sent her a message "Meet us in front of Johnny Rockets at 4. Dress punk and bring wheels," April replied, "Would a skateboard suffice?" "Perfect!" Giselle responded.

3:58 PM

April had figured out how to ride a skateboard pretty quickly. She could ride fast, up and down elevated sidewalks, and turn both counter and clockwise, but she couldn't do any tricks yet. And she still looked cool even with the gear and helmet on. The outfit she had chosen had a white strapless crop top, a black leather crop jacket, black cotton capris with some gold spikes at the end of each leg, and combat boots with a secret she had yet to reveal. For makeup, she had white eyeshadow, black eyeliner, false lashes, and black lipstick. "Hey guys," She got off her skateboard and took off her helmet. She then pressed a button on the ankle of each boot, elevating the heels. The other 2 looked impressed. "Cool right? These boots have adjustable heels. Just press this button and press it again when at the desired height. Similar technology to a carjack, and as a bonus, they can support up to 300 pounds," Giselle and Renia were speechless."So, shakes and fries?" April asked. "Oh, that's just the beginning," "We're not doing illegal stuff, are we?" "And risk getting arrested again? No way!" April sighed in relief.

4:37 PM

After enjoying some shakes and fries, April was being led to her friends' hangout spot. "We're here," April looked around. It looked like they were in an abandoned water park. "Now for the initiation. If you know all the words to this song, you're in with us," Renia pulled out her phone and a speaker. "Um, okay," This was gonna be easy, she and the squad were singers after all. The music began. She loved this song! She had even performed it a few times. "Na na na na na come on,"

4:41 PM

"You're in. Now for some fun," they all began walking around and riding down all the abandoned waterslides.

6:01 PM

The sun was beginning to set. "It's getting dark, we should get home. See you guys tomorrow, same place same time," They all disbanded.

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