Check Please

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6:47 PM

Everyone had finished their dinner and April was sent back to her room. She was surprised that anyone, even herself, still had their appetite after the whole rat thing. "Speaking of appetite, when am I going to learn to keep mine under control?" she wondered. That meal was so delicious, and she tried her best to take her time eating it, but it was still too fast, and way too much, so it was not sitting well. "Ugh. Feels like I ate a balloon, full of rocks," she thought before said meal decided to come back up. She threw her head back and swallowed hard. "Please stay down, please stay down, please stay down, please stay down," she prayed. "How does Maddie do this? She eats the same amount of food as I do, and she's perfectly fine. Is her stomach another dimension or something?" she wondered.

6:51 PM

Papyrus walked in to check on April. "Hey Papy," April grabbed a deck of cards from her nightstand. "Care for a game of Slapjack?" She asked. Papyrus said nothing. "No?" She set the cards back down in disappointment. "Forget it. You're the only one who puts up a challenge, and you never want to play anymore. So I guess I should either start packing for Vegas or not even bother trying to do one of my absolute favorite things," she thought. As if he could read her mind, Papyrus replied, "IT'S NOT THAT I DON'T WANT TO, I PROMISE, WE'LL PLAY A GAME IN THE  MORNING,"  This cheered April up. "Thank you,"

6:54 PM

Papyrus took April's temperature again. 102.4. Her cough had gone away, but the fever was still there. It had dropped significantly though.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now