Attempting Adulting

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January 18th, 5:03 AM

Mettaton removed the cable from his neck to see he was in bed, but May wasn't. "Must be in the bathtub," he figured, but when he walked into the kitchen, he was completely thrown off by what he saw. May He was dreaming, right? May turned around and saw him standing in the doorway. "Morning honey," There was no way. Was he going insane? "What's this?" he asked. "You said you needed help, so that's what I'm giving you. I'm almost done with breakfast and the dishes are squeaky clean. Who's the child now?" "Still you, but I didn't say you had to stop being a child," "But it was what you were thinking isn't it?" May turned and began moving all the--marble-sized pancakes?--off the grill. "May, there's nothing wrong with being childlike. It's how I fell in love with you in the first place," Mettaton replied as he snatched one of what could possibly be hundreds of mini pancakes. "You did a good job on these," He snatched a few more as May walked over to another part of the counter. "Hey, no coffee," May turned around and walked over to the couch. 

5:07 AM

May opened her eyes to find herself laying on the couch bundled in a blanket. There was a plate of mini pancakes on the coffee table. She tried to get up, but Mettaton lay her back down. "But, what about-" "There's no school today. All the staff have planning meetings," Mettaton explained. Something wasn't right. May's face looked pale. He felt her forehead. "Aw May, you've got a fever," "I'll get myself into bed," May got up and began walking. "But I like carrying you," Mettaton picked her up and carried her to bed.

5:09 AM

"Come on. I know you're hungry," May did not want food right now, what she wanted was to cuddle with Squishy and browse Aidem, maybe sleep. She had been up all night. She took a nice long relaxing bath, put on some clothes and as she was walking into the kitchen to do the dishes, she saw Mettaton laying still on the floor, so she plugged him in, did the dishes, and made mini pancakes. Speaking of food, her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a loud growl from her empty stomach. "Eh, can't hurt to have a few. I made them after all," she thought as she picked up a few. Nom! All the mini pancakes were gone. Mettaton picked her up. "There you go. You'll feel so much better with a full belly and lots of sleep," he set her back down in bed and watched as she slowly dozed off.

12:04 PM

Mettaton walked into the bedroom to see May sound asleep. He pet her head and she opened her eyes. She saw him and smiled. "Hi," "Hey, you feeling okay?" May nodded. "You hungry?" Mettaton held up a plate of grilled cheese with ham. May didn't even bother pretending it wasn't there, because she didn't have the energy and...she actually was a bit hungry. She picked up the cooked sandwich and took a bite. A few more, and back to sleep.

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