More of May's Earth Discovery Log

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April 29th, 2:53 PM

It was after school, April was still pretty upset about her breakup, but it still seemed so bizarre to May. Obviously, she was feeling down. Normally she would answer the questions in Spanish class so eagerly, not today though. But, she wasn't...crying? Was she just extremely tough, or was May just a crybaby? Speaking of which, there was April right now. What was she doing? Seeing her head hang, May was fighting so hard to not blow her secret. April walked into the kitchen. Papyrus still made food for the squad, so now talking to him was just...awkward. "Hola May," April's head was still hanging as she waved sadly. That was it! May couldn't bear it anymore! "I can't take it! I'm so sorry April, I was just talking to the cats, I didn't know he was in the next room! Please don't kill me!" April bent her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "May, Arabella,'re dead to me," she turned and walked away. May sighed in relief, she was still alive. Sure April hated her now, but she was used to being hated, nothing new. Speaking of new, she thought back to her days of discovering things about Earth. "I should grab Mettaton so we can read more of my discovery log,"

3:02 PM

May was laying in bed with Mettaton. Both of them were all snuggled up under the blankets sharing a large bowl of popcorn bathing in butter. May opened her journal and began reading. "Oh right, as you can tell by the difference in handwriting, this next part wasn't written by me,"

This whole week was just... I don't know. We've been staying with a stranger from another planet. And May, being a toddler in a preteen's body, attached to them instantly. But me, I don't trust these humans or whatever they call themselves, but seeing this one's life taken, May thinks I'm heartless, but who mourns so much at the death of a stranger? I mean he was a nice guy according to her, and I feel awful about his death, but May has no clue what "nice" even is because she's never seen it. Personally, I didn't trust this Don. If May continues putting so much trust in people, she will spend her whole life as one big crybaby.
-April Thomas, Age 11
P.S. I know you will read this May.

"Still mad at her for writing this,"

Entry #16

Are you f*****g kidding me? April just tried to take over my logs! That b***h! Don's not a stranger! He was taking care of us, both of us, unlike our s****y parents. And I'm not a "toddler in a preteen body"! Everything here is new! And curiosity is not childish! It's in the nature of all living beings! And judging by her lack of curiosity, she must not be living. And I'm not a crybaby! She is heartless if she won't cry at a close one's death! Although, I guess I should thank her for throwing something else on my mind, or else I'd probably cry on a corpse forever. Now, a memorial service is needed. I'll be back later.
-May Thomas, Age 11

Entry #17

Don is now buried just outside the cottage. We'll leave, but I'll come back on occasion to visit his lingering spirit. For now, we'll just have to find another place. Hopefully, we don't have to stay in a cave. Maybe other humans will let us stay with them. We'll see.
-May Thomas, Age 11

Mettaton gave May a judgment look. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked as she filled her mouth with popcorn. "You worried I'll eat too much popcorn?"

Entry #18

We are out of the woods, literally, and walking down a street, so bright, back on Zhumyte, it was all clouds, but here, what's that glowing yellow ball in the sky?

Mettaton stifled a laugh. That was literally what everyone was thinking when they all flooded to the surface. And he just realized, they were both exploring human culture at the same time! The only real difference was that he already knew what some of the things were, but she was seeing everything for the first time. May gave him a "Can I continue?" look. "Sorry, go on,"

Oh look, there are some boys over there. What are they doing? Bouncing a ball and throwing it into a net? I'll go talk to them. So it's called basketball, interesting. They seemed to be at a complete loss when I asked them to define fun, games, and play. So fun is apparently different for everyone, hmmm... and play has several definitions. I think I got it. So basketball is one of the many games humans play to have fun with other humans...? Yay got that right. Now, let's play some basketball. Wait, what is that thing? We all have to get out of the street, is it dangerous? A car huh? Humans use them to get to places too far to walk. So they're like tiny mobile houses right? I'm being told kind of, but not really. Yeek! It's going up to the house! What? It just...stopped. Who is this lady coming out of it?  Their mom?! Hang on, getting intel...Oh, so...human their kids?... I don't know...Maybe I just had bad examples of what 'parents' do...April tells me that our parents were the definition of bad examples...So maybe this mom is a good example...?  The boys explained to her that we just walked down the street and came up to them and that everything seems new to us, well it is all new! Also all humans invite people to stay in their homes? Because at the time we need somewhere to stay. We're being let in...And this entry is getting long so I'll continue writing in the next.
-May Thomas, Age 11

"F**k, I got butter on the page," May resumed reading her log despite that.

Entry #19

So the boys' mom asked where our parents were, we tried to explain that they were in a different part of the galaxy, but they didn't believe us when we said we weren't from Earth! What?! We are new to Earth! Why don't they believe us? Is what I say irrelevant to them? I'm telling the f*****g truth! What? "cursing"? I didn't put a curse on you, I'm not a witch. Oh...cursing as in...saying something bad?... On Zhumyte, if you could say something to an adult you could say it to anyone. Bill, the oldest boy, a couple years older than me, is looking through my journal, telling me which words to not say out loud. I've been using all of them since I was 6. So this whole time, I've been swearing my ass off! ...whoops...? Well...exactly how bad is each word? So some don't consider damn a've gotta be kidding me! The worst one is the one I just shouted a minute ago?! Well...f**k. Sorry, I didn't know what else to say. Fortunately, the worse ones are the easiest to censor! Obviously, I'll still use them in my writing, but I'm only using the mild ones out loud.
-May Thomas, Age 11

Entry #20

Hey! April just took off my shirt! So rude! What was that for?! Gimme that back! What do you mean "do I think it's normal to be that skinny"? Of course it's normal! Half the people on Zhumyte have visible ribs! Hm! I'm going back outside and playing basketball with Phil, the middle child, about my age. Where am I gonna put...oh, Bill! Hold my journal! 

-May Thomas, Age 11

Entry #21

Bill and I were playing basketball outside when we came in to get some water. Bill went to the kitchen to grab a snack, whatever that is. I was sitting on the couch when Bill came back and handed me a small silver package. There was some red writing on the package that said "Granola Bar". When Bill asked me if I was going to eat it, cause he knew I was hungry, I was very confused about how he could possibly tell. When I questioned him about this, I assumed humans are psychic or something. But no, he could just hear the noise coming from my stomach. Well, now I finally know what that sound was. I always wondered... 

-May Thomas, Age 11

May yawned, letting her head fall onto Mettaton's chest. "Alright, that's enough stories for now," Mettaton gently closed the notebook. "But, we still have lots of logs to read, popcorn to munch on, and it's 3 in the afternoon," Mettaton lifted the popcorn bowl off of the bed and set it aside. "Are you saying that you want to stay awake?" Even as Mettaton said that he slouched down farther into the bed getting ready for May to nap. May settled down with him. "Well... Not exactly." she could barely stifle a yawn. Mettaton pet her head as he said: "Then stop complaining." 

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