Misunderstanding Pt. 1

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January 14th, 1:03 PM

May and April were in science class. "This project will be done with assigned partners. You will think of an example of an invasive species, create a model of it, and explain how it impacts the ecosystem. You'll also be making and presenting posters. This project is due on the 29th and presentations will start on the 30th," the teacher picked up a clipboard and began announcing who would be working with who. "April Thomas and Ari Osmond," May recognized her. She tried out for softball on Friday. "May Thomas and Ethan York," she was working with a boy who looked a lot like Finnick from the Hunger Games. "You will have tomorrow to work on this in class, the rest must be done for homework. Posters will be provided," the teacher notified the class after she finished announcing the partners. The class was dismissed.

2:16 PM

Ethan walked up to May. "Where should we start working?" he asked. "Well, I live with my boyfriend, so my place won't work," May answered. "I understand. My girlfriend lives with me, so my place won't work either," They stopped to think. May's phone broke the silence. "I have to take this," May turned around and picked up. "Hey," she greeted. "Hey, so I won't be able to pick you up. You mind Papyrus giving you a ride?" "No, I don't mind," "Alright, I should be home by 3:15," Mettaton hung up. May turned back around. "My boyfriend's stuck at work, so we can go to my place. I'm setting an alarm on my phone for 3:05. We have until then before you have to leave," May explained. "Alright. I believe Ari will be working with your sister, so she won't be home," Ethan agreed. "Ari? She's your girlfriend?" May asked. Ethan nodded. "How fitting. You two look like Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta," "Hunger Games fan I'm guessing?" May nodded. 

3:04 PM

"So we're doing either silver carp or snakehead for our project," May clarified. "Alright. we'll flip a coin," Ethan picked up a dime laying on the coffee table. They both heard an alarm go off. "No time! You need to leave, now!" She heard someone unlocking the door. They both ran into the kitchen and May opened the window. "Hurry!" Ethan moved a chair in front of the window and climbed out. He then walked away as May closed the window. She turned around to see an angry Mettaton standing in the doorway. "I've protected you, taken care of you, given you shelter, and this is how you repay me?! Ungrateful cheater!" "No! I wasn't cheating, I was working on a-" Mettaton cut her off. "I don't want any of your excuses! What I want, is you, and your stuff, out before sunset!" he pointed to the front door. May walked into the bedroom, hanging her head in shame as she packed her things. 

3:09 PM

May burst through the front door of the condo and grabbed 7 bags of mini marshmallows from the kitchen before running up to her room, sobbing in her queen-sized bed. "He didn't even give me a chance to explain!" she opened one of the marshmallow bags and shoved a few into her mouth. She heard the door open. "Go away!" she told whoever was behind the door. "May, what happened?" April asked as she walked in. "You're the last person I would want to talk to about that! Get out you overweight redhead female dog!" mascara was streaming down her face. April put her hands on her hips. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened," "I brought my partner to the house so we could work on the project. I didn't want Mettaton to know, so I sent him out, but I couldn't do it in time! Mettaton thought I cheated on him. I tried to explain, but he said he 'didn't want to hear my excuses' and I got kicked out!" May kept sobbing as she filled up her mouth with white squishies. "Okay, first of all, I'm not overweight, and second, if you couldn't explain anything to that laptop drenched in glitter, then I will!" April turned to walk out. "And what makes you think he will believe you any more than me? He knows more than anyone how much I hate you," "Hey, I tried to help you the best I could! Remember the marshmallows? The pancakes? Squishy?" "What did that last one have anything to do with you?" "I saved him. I freed him so he could help you," Actually, it was April who laid out that stuff, but she didn't want her sister to lose faith in Squishy. May kept crying. "Yeah, sure, you helped me survive that awful planet, but I still hate you. You've always been better than me at everything! You never put in an ounce of effort into anything, but somehow, you do everything so well. Me, I spend hours practicing, put in blood and sweat, yet I'm still bad at everything!" May curled up and sniffled. "It's not fair!" "What made you think life was fair?" The conversation kept going, becoming another argument for a little bit, then turning back into a conversation. 

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