Unbridled Love and Unchanged Minds

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7:14 AM

Mettaton woke up and removed the cable from his neck. He then turned and saw May on the couch. "I made you a little something while you were charging. Close your eyes," she walked up to him. It took her a little bit, but she figured out how to put her gift on him. "You can look now," Mettaton opened his eyes to see a tie with pink and black runway arrows and a little note pinned to it. "A handsome tie for a handsome guy! <3 you honey! :)" it read. "Aw, you made this for me?" May blushed. "Aw shucks, it was just a bit of fabric lying around the house, and it gave me the idea," she giggled. "You're so handsome I can't take it," she fell right into his arms. "Thank you gorgeous," He kissed her on the cheek and her face turned red.

8:03 AM

All of the Squad members came down for breakfast, but May stubbornly refused to go in the kitchen, no matter how awful those churning and bubbling sounds coming from inside her were. "Please, make it stop," she quietly begged. Mettaton just stood there, allowing May to figure this one out on her own. Another growl and she finally reached her breaking point. She walked into the kitchen and came back into the living room with a plate full of breakfast items all topped with ketchup. She then flipped on the TV and browsed HBO for something to watch. "It is on HBO? Interesting," she thought. Just before she pressed play, the remote was swept out of her hand. "Absolutely not. That movie is rated R," Mettaton went back to the selection looking for something May could watch. "Seriously? The only differences between R and PG-13, are a slightly more mature theme, and the f-word occurring more than once!" May had a good point, but that didn't change Mettaton's mind. "You're not wrong, but there are more rules than that. For instance, you're not 17, so you can't watch it by yourself, and I'm not 21, so I can't watch it with you. This, however, is a movie we can watch," He had chosen The Sandlot. "Oh yeah, I, kind of forgot this movie existed," May thought as she folded the hash browns with her fork. "Well, glad to see you're eating something, but that doesn't explain, why didn't you want to come into the kitchen?" Mettaton asked. "I just wasn't hungry," That was obviously a lie. May picked up her fork and kept moving it up and down indecisively, before setting it down on her plate. "I have been a weakling all my life! I refused to eat because I wanted to prove I was tough! Not just, some, coward!" Mettaton wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Aw, May, you don't have to prove anything," He spent a bit of time comforting her before explaining why food was important, and that she shouldn't feel weak for being hungry.

8:05 AM

Mettaton held up a fork with eggs, encouraging May to eat up. She turned her head away. She didn't know whether to believe all that stuff he told her. On one side, she had always thought of food like drugs that everyone was just addicted to, and she was supposed to just stop thinking about it that way? On the other hand, she could trust Mettaton. He was always trying to help her, and he was always right. After some mind negotiation, she took the fork and slowly brung it closer to her mouth. Nom! Nom, nom. There goes a fifth of the stuff on her plate. For someone who doesn't like food, she surely didn't skimp on, well, anything. Maybe she thought she could go longer without food if she got a bigger meal. Eventually, everything on her plate disappeared. Mettaton pulled her closer, wrapped his arms around her chest, and pat her stomach. "Good girl," he said with a baby talk voice as he pet her head in an affectionate manner. They then kept watching the movie together.

8:12 AM

May's stomach was beginning to hurt. It felt like something sharp was rolling around in it. "Where is he?" she thought. Mettaton had told her that he would be right back. She was starting to regret listening to him. "This stuff is drugs!" she thought when Mettaton returned holding a bucket lined with a plastic bag. May instantly took it and let everything spill out. Mettaton held her (crazy long) hair out of the way and gave her a pat on the back. She was probably never going to listen to him again after this. "Of course, she never eats, then the one time she does, this happens!" he thought. May looked up at the screen. "How fitting that we're at this scene right now!" She exclaimed before dipping her head back into the bucket.

12:07 PM

It was now time for lunch. Mettaton brought a plate of grilled cheese with ham into the living room for May. The second she saw the sandwich, May made a run for it. She went up to her room and hid in her closet. She never wanted to eat this "food" ever again! Not after what happened this morning! She could live with that, churning and, bubbling! The door opened. There was Squishy, with a sandwich. May turned her head away. Her stomach was growling but she had no intention to listen to it. "F you, evil drug sac!" she thought, trying to smack it. Wait a second! Was that... thunder! She grabbed Squishy, climbed into bed and buried herself under the blankets. She then felt an arm around her shoulder and moved to the other side of the bed, allowing Mettaton to join her. She saw lightning and snuggled up close to him, whimpering. "Shhhhh. It's okay," Mettaton sat up and held scared little May in his lap. She was shivering. A little bit of heat magic sent her right to sleep. Mettaton decided to stick around. Even though May was sleeping, she was still afraid of thunder, and still absolutely starving.

12:36 PM

May woke up to the sound of thunder. She hid under the blankets and curled herself up. She then heard her stomach growl. "Great. Just great! Both of the worst sounds in the world have come together and joined forces to haunt me!" She internally screamed, a few tears escaping. Mettaton dug her out of the blankets and adjusted her position so she was lying face up in the center of her bed. He then gave her a tiny dose of heat magic so she would 1. feel safer, and 2. not be so reluctant. He held out a plate of grilled cheese and to his surprise, May gave in almost immediately. After finishing the cooked sandwich, she instantly latched onto Mettaton, shaking and whimpering. "Why didn't I listen to you? Why don't I ever listen to you? You're always right about everything and you are the hero of my life!" Tears began to fall. 

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