Pep and Panic

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January 8th, 4:32 AM

Mettaton walked into his room and saw May in bed. That was strange, she was usually up by now. "May," he gently shook her shoulder. She buried herself under the blankets. "Come on. You don't wanna be late," Mettaton dug her out of the blankets. May had to think of a way out. She pretended to cough, it sounded pretty real. Mettaton placed his hand on her forehead, no fever. "You're not fooling me May, I know you're not sick," It was pretty obvious that she was faking because when she was actually sick, she would deny it and he would have to send her back to bed. "Please don't make me go back there. They'll all make fun of me!" May grabbed the blankets and pulled them back over her head. "Hey, remember what we talked about yesterday? You can't let those people get to you," Tears filled up her eyes. "Too late. They already did. It's like mini Zhumyte. You mess up once and suddenly, everyone hates you!" Mettaton had enough. This was all in May's head, well, the part about being hated for one mistake was. It was time he knocked some sense into her. He swept away the blankets and grabbed May's shoulders. "May, mistakes are a part of life. If people want to laugh at you, that's on them, karma will strike eventually, but you need to understand that what they say doesn't matter. Now you're going there and showing them what May Arabella Thomas can really do," And with that, May was up and began getting ready. She then noticed something, turned around and pointed at Mettaton. "How did you know my middle name?! I know I never told you!" Mettaton turned to go to the kitchen and said over his shoulder nonchalantly "Facebook silly...I've known forever."

5:28 PM

"May, breakfast," Mettaton called from the kitchen. May opened her eyes and found herself surrounded by bubbles. What time was it? Was she running late? She quickly rinsed herself off and flipped the switch, draining the soapy water. She then walked into the bedroom and threw on some clothes. A strapless purple fringe crop top, a black crop sweater, pink yoga pants, and coral 5" slingback heels. She walked into the kitchen and filled up a plate. Mettaton saw her outfit. The style was fine, but those colors did not go together.

5:41 AM

Mettaton let May finish her breakfast, then sent her back to the bedroom to change. She kept the shoes and the crop sweater. She replaced the yoga pants with an ocean blue prairie skirt, and the purple top was swapped out for a grey short-sleeved crop top. Now for her makeup, coral lipstick, silver eyeshadow, and ocean blue mascara. She began to walk into the living room. "Wait a second," she thought as she ran back into the bedroom and grabbed the bow. "There," she then paced back and forth in the living room and began to ramble. What if she couldn't stand up to bullies? What if she got in trouble with one or all of the teachers? What if her efforts only made things worse? "...Why can't I just go to work instead? It wasn't much, but at least it was something productive and I was getting paid to do it," she was hyperventilating, hardly able to breathe. Mettaton had walked in while she was ranting and heard every word. He recognized the problem and grabbed her shoulders. "May, look into my eyes. What color are they?" May began to calm down as she answered "Jade green, or possibly emerald," Right. As an artist, May was very specific with colors. Hm...What else could he do to bring her out of this panic attack? "Look out the window. See all the beautiful plants? Hear all the birds?" Her breathing began to quiet and slow. "Pretty, serene," Mettaton began massaging her shoulders. "That's it, relax, nothing can harm you here," And with that, all the tension was loosened up.

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