Hearty Crew Pt. 1

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April 13th, 6:01 AM

May stood on the edge of the bow, holding her sword up with pride. "Hoist the sails!" She could imagine pirate music (whatever that sounded like, it probably involved accordions) playing in the background.

"What exactly are we doing?" April asked. May looked up at the ceiling and held her imaginary sword up high. "We be on the lookout for treasure! I be Captain May, over there, me first mate, Cat's Claw, me quartermaster, Squid Eye, and Marble, our pet narwhal, that we rescued from being stranded on ice in the Arctic waters as a baby!" She picked up a stuffed narwhal. "She kind of just swims alongside our ship, she's one of those rare female narwhals with tusks," May looked down, dropping her imaginary sword. "Aren't first mate and quartermaster the same thing?" Maddie asked. "That was the idea, and role play doesn't have to be 100% realistic," May picked her imaginary sword back up. "Squid Eye? That's my name?" "Because you're such a Squidward!" All three of them laughed. "Well, I think Ellie is more of a Squidward than I am," April stated. "Agreed, but she's not here, she's always disappearing to who knows where," "Maybe that attitude is a secret identity and she's a supervillain," May held her imaginary sword up to the ceiling. "We're getting off subject! Back to our roleplay!"

"There be others in these waters! Grab ye weapons, lassies! We're going to battle!" May ran over to the wheel and steered towards the other ship. "Shall we arm the cannons, captain?" asked her first mate. "No! This be a good chance to plunder! We shan't destroy their ship! We fight!" She threw a wooden plank off the side of the main deck, connecting the 2 ships.

May briefly stepped out of character. "And for the sake of them being in our roleplay, let's make this battle non-lethal, no deaths. Blood and injuries allowed,"

"Steal their treasure, take them as prisoners, leave no stone unturned!" May boarded the other ship and began sword fighting its captain. How strange that a robot be a pirate. He couldn't possibly survive feisty waves or falling overboard. His crew, they be skeletons, like the ones in wrecks, and a...humanoid fish? She be a skilled fighter, keeping Cat's Claw at bay. Wait a minute! She couldn't try to find out about the crew and fight their captain at the same time! She barely saved herself from her neck being slashed. "CAPTAIN! THE SHIP! SHE'S SINKING!" the taller skeleton called out. What? Oh no! These seemed like good people. She wanted to have them in her crew, but she couldn't give the impression that she was showing mercy. She had an idea, keep up the fight, but move it to her ship! "Save the treasure! Leave no man behind! Abandon ship!" The captain called out. So he pulled off her plan for her! Perfect! Once everyone in his crew was locked away in the brig of her ship, she retreated to the plank, hoping she could bring him onto her ship, but strangely, he stopped at the deck and took off his hat. "A captain has to go down with his ship," The water was fast approaching, May had to do something! She pointed her sword at him. "Surrender ye crew and ye role as captain! Board me ship!" He didn't budge.

"Just do it, I love you too much in real life to let you die in this game," May told him, gritting her teeth as she backed away to the part of the living room that would be her ship.

It worked! By forcing him to give up his role as captain, she was able to save his life without showing any sign of mercy! And as a bonus, she had new additions to her crew. She wanted to get to know them, but she couldn't drop her act! She couldn't have her crew thinking she was too soft to be captain! She walked over to the brig and pointed her sword at the prisoners. "Who are ye?" the short skeleton looked up at her. "I be the boatswain Ketchupbeard!"

Everyone laughed at that statement. "So is your beard made out of ketchup or something like that?" May asked while laughing. "Yes," "Okay, Squid Eye!"

"Aye, captain?" "Make him walk the plank!" May pointed her sword at the ketchupbearded skeleton. "What? Why?" he asked. "Because I can't look at ye with a straight face!"

It was so hard for May to stay in character because she really couldn't look at Sans with a straight face. April took pleasure in forcing the disapproving brother of her hombre, to walk into the 'water'. "Um, if we're gonna keep this roleplay consistent, shouldn't we have a borderline so no one falls overboard?" she asked. "I'll be right back," Maddie ran into the kitchen and out to the backyard, then back into the living room and down into the basement. "Cleo, do you know where we keep the pool noodles?" "Storage closet," "Thanks," Maddie ran back upstairs and quickly grabbed the bin of pool noodles out of the brig without letting the prisoners escape before laying them out in a sort of boat shape. Sans walked into the water zone as April set down a stuffed narwhal just off the border. "Take care of him, Marble, don't let him near the ship,"

"Ye brought an Arctic mammal? Here?" the former robot captain asked May as she turned around, setting down her sword. "Aye, we rescued her at a young age and she be our pet, that a problem?" Well, Marble was old enough to take care of herself at the time, but she was still technically a baby. The robot let his forehead fall into his hand.

"It's like the puppy incident all over again," "Well if I had it my way, I'd own a thousand cute furry animals! I just wanted to give that fluff ball a home, okay?" May looked down. "I want my own flooffy," the cats walked in. "Not that I don't love spending time with my adorable nieces and nephew," she pet all 4 of their furry little heads. "But these are Maddie's fluffies, I'm merely one of their aunts,"

"Narwhals belong in the Arctic, Ye must return Marble to her home!" But the Arctic was freezing, and the trip would take days! However, maybe she could use this time to get to know her 'prisoners'.

6:04 PM

The pirates were in need of a meal. May surveyed her crew and knowing that none of her original crew was all that great at cooking she turned to Mettaton's crew. "Ye first job as me prisoners is making me crew a hearty meal! You over there..." May began to tell the other members as she faced Papyrus, pointing her sword at him. "Ye be the chef! Off now or I'll make ye walk the plank like yer brother!" May exclaimed to Papyrus who hastily made his way to the kitchen.

6:23 AM

Papyrus and Undyne left the role play to make everyone breakfast. Hopefully, the game would keep everyone else occupied so they wouldn't be bothered by any rumbling stomachs. So far, not really working. All anyone could think about was getting a taste of the delicious food.

"Captain," May turned around to see Mettaton. "Aye?" he knelt down and held out his hand. "Some pearls me crew has plundered shortly before our battle," For a brief moment, May just stared at the shiny creme pearls before carefully taking them out of Mettaton's hand. "Consider these pearls as thanks for saving me crew, and me life," May turned and gave him a smile as she walked away with the gift. Once she returned to the deck, she saw someone her crew hasn't seen in a while. Cat's Claw was the one most surprised. "Cleo? I told ye I'd return after we found the treasure!" "Ye really think I would risk never seeing ye again?"

6:37 AM

Cleo became the boatswain and the twins had joined as gunners, not that having any was necessary, but just so they had a role in the crew. As of now, breakfast wasn't ready quite yet, but they could all smell it and everyone was getting hungry. April was honestly downright surprised, she never thought she would've ever gone long enough without craving something to let actual hunger come in and say hi. "Papy," she whined impatiently. "Donde es desayuno?" How the hell did May survive 24+ hours at a time without eating? April could barely endure 2! "Un minuto," Papyrus replied. It was said that mytes could live without food for months before entering starvation mode, but April new this was a misconception. It was actually up to a month and a half before emaciation began for mytes, but still considerably longer than humans' 3 days. Several months was how long mytes could survive on starvation mode. So when it came to cravings, turns out April was the weakling. 

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